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Presence of Hypolagus Dice, 1917 (Mammalia, Lagomorpha) in the Neogene of the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean): Description of Hypolagus balearicus nov. sp.
Geobios ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2010-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2010.03.003
Josep Quintana , Pere Bover , Josep Antoni Alcover , Jordi Agustí , Salvador Bailon

In this paper we describe a new species of Hypolagus coming from an early Pliocene karstic deposit near Calo den Rafelino (Manacor, Mallorca). It represents the westernmost European record for the genus. The faunal assemblage of this deposit represents an early phase of the second insular faunal episode of Mallorca, related with the Messinian regressive episode (latest Miocene). Although the postcranial are relatively robust, the size of all these elements is included in the range of continental leporids. It is unknown if they display significant allometric changes, as occurred in other insular leporids. p3 is small and displays a markedly trapezoidal outline and a deep hypoflexid (between 54 and 56% of the total tooth width). The presence of Hypolagus in the Neogene of the Balearic Islands is in agreement with the faunal scenario for the European continent during the late Miocene and the Pliocene, where this genus is abundant and widely distributed.


Hypolagus Dice 的存在,1917 年(哺乳动物,兔形目)在巴利阿里群岛(地中海西部)的新近纪:对 Hypolagus balearicus nov. 的描述。sp.

在本文中,我们描述了来自 Calo den Rafelino(马纳科尔,马洛卡)附近的上新世早期岩溶矿床的 Hypolagus 新种。它代表了该属的最西欧记录。该矿床的动物群组合代表了马略卡岛第二次岛屿动物群事件的早期阶段,与墨西拿回归事件(最新中新世)有关。虽然后颅骨相对健壮,但所有这些元素的大小都包括在大陆leporids的范围内。尚不清楚它们是否表现出显着的异速生长变化,就像其他岛状的麻风科动物一样。p3 很小,显示出明显的梯形轮廓和深屈曲(在总牙齿宽度的 54% 和 56% 之间)。