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Using a two-level structural equation model to study the determinants of reproductive behaviour in Giza Governorate
Egyptian Informatics Journal ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eij.2019.02.001
Esmail Hassneen , Abdel-Hameed El-Abbasi , Mona Khalifa , Farouk Shoaeb

The purpose of this paper was to measure the quality of concordance of one- and two-level structural equation models by testing the two following statistical hypotheses: first, the structure of the two-level model is more efficient than that of the one-level model; second, economic and social determinants and intermediate variables have a significant effect on current and future fertility in Giza Governorate. A two-tier bicameral model (women, geographical area) was built on 1500 families divided equally into three districts (urban, rural, and slum). The districts were divided into 294 convergent communities according to the standard of living. M−Plus 8.0 was used to estimate the numbers of four models. The first estimated structural relationships between the determinants of fertility within the layers; the second estimated relationships between the second and third strata; the third estimated structural equations at the second level; and the fourth included the constants and a random slope in the model. The results show that the estimated parameters of the models corresponded well to the model and the multi-level model, whose indicators are proposed within acceptable limits. The final proposed model and the significance of its coefficients were tested to ensure the quality of the compatibility of the final model. The results show that the overall quality of the proposed compatibility is very high and that the indicators are within the accepted limits. The compatibility quality index is 0.99, the correlation quality is corrected by 0.98, and the CI index of significance is 0.00. Therefore, we can say that the proposed multi-level structural model (based on the indicators of total compatibility quality) is more efficient than the one-level model, supporting the first hypothesis. The second hypothesis is that economic and social determinants and intermediate variables have a significant impact on current and future fertility.



本文的目的是通过检验以下两个统计假设来衡量一层和两层结构方程模型的一致性的质量:首先,两层模型的结构比一层模型的结构更有效模型; 第二,经济和社会决定因素以及中间变量对吉萨省当前和未来的生育率具有重大影响。基于两层的两级制模型(妇女,地理区域),建立在1500个家庭中,这些家庭平均分为三个地区(城市,农村和贫民窟)。根据生活水平将地区划分为294个融合社区。M-Plus 8.0用于估计四个模型的数量。各个生育力决定因素之间的第一个估计的结构关系;第二和第三层之间的第二估计关系;第二级的第三估计结构方程;第四个包括模型中的常数和随机斜率。结果表明,模型的估计参数与模型和多级模型非常吻合,其指标被提出在可接受的范围内。测试了最终提出的模型及其系数的重要性,以确保最终模型的兼容性。结果表明,提出的兼容性的总体质量非常高,并且各项指标均在可接受的范围内。兼容性质量指标为0.99,相关质量经0.98校正,并且CI的显着性指标为0.00。因此,我们可以说,所提出的多层次结构模型(基于总兼容性质量的指标)比单层次模型更有效,这支持了第一个假设。第二个假设是经济和社会决定因素以及中间变量对当前和未来的生育率具有重大影响。
