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Redefinition of Prospatangus thieryi Lambert, 1909 (Echinoidea, Spatangoida), in Sardospatangus nov. gen. with two new species from Sardinia, Italy
Annales de Paléontologie ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.annpal.2018.10.001
Paolo Stara , Sylvain Charbonnier , Enrico Borghi

Prospatangus thieryi Lambert, 1909 (Echinoidea, Spatangoida) is an echinoid from the Early Miocene of Sardinia, Italy. The original description, mainly based on subjective morphological observations (e.g. from Lambert, 1909: “une forme un peu plus longue que large, à sillon peu profond, apex légèrement excentrique en avant”), made it problematic the comparison with other similar taxa. New observations based on a large set of structural and morphometric data taken from the lectotype and a newly collected specimen, both from Cameseda (Ales, Oristano Province, Sardinia, Italy), one of the two localities indicated by Lambert (1909) in the type area, enabled to improve the definition of this species and to transfer it into a new genus, Sardospatangus nov. gen. It differs from Spatangus Gray, 1825 (junior synonym: Prospatangus Lambert, 1902) mainly by the labrum, which is more elongate and in contact with two plates on either side of the adjacent ambulacra (I and V) instead of one, and by a lower total number of plates in the ambulacrum III. Two additional species of Sardospatangus nov. gen are identified within a large number of specimens from the Miocene of Sardinia examined in public institutions: S. caschilii nov. sp., proposed as the type species of the new genus, and S. arburensis nov. sp.


重新定义Prospatangus thieryi Lambert,1909年(Echinoidea,Spatangoida),位于Sardospatangus nov。gen。有两个来自意大利撒丁岛的新物种

Prospatangus thieryi Lambert,1909年(Echinoidea,Spatangoida)是一种来自意大利撒丁岛的中新世的类chin虫。最初的描述主要基于主观形态学观察(例如,来自Lambert,1909年:“ une forme un peu加上大号贵妃椅,àsillon peu profond,apexlégèrementprocentrique envant”),因此与其他类似的分类单元进行比较时会出现问题。新的观测结果基于从选型和新采集的标本中获取的大量结构和形态计量数据,这两个标本均来自Cameseda(淡啤酒,奥里斯塔诺省,撒丁岛,意大利),这是Lambert(1909)指出的两个地点之一地区,能够改善该物种的定义,并将其转移到新属Sardospatangus nov中。gen。它不同于Spatangus Gray,1825年(主要代名词:Prospatangus Lambert,1902年),主要是由长唇形的,它长一些,并且与相邻的无指骨的两侧的两个板块(I和V)接触而不是一个,并且总数较低盘中的平板。Sardospatangus nov的另外两个物种。在公共机构S. caschilii nov检查的撒丁岛中新世的大量标本中鉴定出gen 。,作为新属的类型种,建议和S. arburensis nov。sp。
