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Truyolsodontos estauni n. gen., n. sp., Truyolsodontidae, a new family of lamniform sharks from the Cenomanian of northern Spain
Annales de Paléontologie ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.annpal.2018.05.002
Enrique Bernárdez

Truyolsodontos estauni n. gen., n. sp. is described based on fossil teeth from the middle and upper Cenomanian of northern Spain. The species Protoscyliorhinus magnus Landemaine, 1991 is withdrawn from the genus Protoscyliorhinus and placed in this new one. For the new genus, the new family Truyolsodontidae is proposed.


Truyolsodontos estauni ñ。gen。,n。sp。,Truyolsodontidae,来自西班牙北部塞诺曼尼亚的一种新的层状鲨鱼

Truyolsodontos estauni ñ。gen。,n。sp。根据西班牙北部中上西诺曼期的化石牙齿来描述。1991年,从Protoscyliorhinus属中退出了Protoscyliorhinus magnus Landemaine物种,并将其放置在这一新物种中。对于新的属,提出了新的家族Tryuolsodontidae。
