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Magnetic Properties of NH4H2PO4 and KH2PO4: Emergence of Multiferroic Salts.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-18 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c02634
Lei Meng 1 , Chen He 1 , Wei Ji 2 , Fei Yen 1

We observe sharp step-down discontinuities in the magnetic susceptibility of NH4H2PO4 and NH4H2PO4-d60 (60% deuterated) along the a- and c-axes occurring exactly at their antiferroelectric transition temperatures. For the case of KH2PO4, less pronounced discontinuities occur at the ferroelectric transition temperature. To explain this, we treat the acid protons as individual oscillators that generate current elements that translate to magnetic forces in near resonance with each other. With decreasing temperature, the resonant forces become more commensurate, which amplifies a disproportionate drop off of two types of magnetic forces to eventually trigger the structural phase transitions. For the case of NH4H2PO4, the associated internal magnetic field appears to aid the NH4+ to order at a higher temperature. At 49 K, a shoulder-like anomaly in both NH4H2PO4 and KH2PO4 is attributed to a possible onset of macroscopic quantum tunneling of protons. Our findings bring forth a new category of intrinsic multiferroic systems.



我们观察到尖锐的降压在NH的磁化率间断4 ħ 2 PO 4和NH 4 ħ 2 PO 4 - d 60沿(60%氘化)-和ç -axes在它们的反铁电转变温度发生准确。对于KH 2 PO 4,在铁电转变温度下出现不明显的不连续性。为了解释这一点,我们将酸质子视为单独的振荡器,这些振荡器产生电流元素,这些电流元素转化为彼此接近共振的磁力。随着温度的降低,共振力变得更加相称,这放大了两种类型的磁力的不成比例的下降,最终触发了结构相变。对于NH 4 H 2 PO 4,相关的内部磁场似乎有助于NH 4 +在较高温度下有序化。在49 K时,NH 4 H 2 PO 4和KH均出现肩状异常2 PO 4归因于质子的宏观量子隧穿的可能开始。我们的发现提出了本征多铁性体系的新类别。