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Analysis of motor performance and histomorphometry of skeletal muscles of rats exercised after cerebral ischemia
International Journal of Neuroscience ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00207454.2020.1825416
Raphael Teixeira Rocha Melo 1 , Laila Cristina Moreira Damázio 2 , Maira de Castro Lima 3 , Pablo Herthel de Carvalho 4 , Vanessa Guedes Pereira 4 , Bárbara Silva Okano 4 , Betânia Souza Monteiro 4 , Antônio José Natali 5 , Ricardo Junqueira Del Carlo 4 , Izabel Regina Dos Santos Costa Maldonado 1



Cerebral ischemia causes muscle atrophy and motor incoordination in animals, impairing motor performance.


Thus, the objective of the present study was to analyze the motor performance and histomorphometry of the biceps brachii, soleus, and anterior tibialis muscles of rats submitted to a treadmill training program after induction of cerebral ischemia by the transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCAO).

Materials and Methods

To do so, twenty-four 30-day-old Wistar rats were utilized. The exercises were performed for 6 weeks on a leveled treadmill, for 30 min/day, 5 days a week, at a controlled speed of 8 m/min, and the MCAO surgery took place for 60 min. The animals were divided into the following experimental groups: SC (n = 6): control animals that underwent false surgery (operation without the induction of cerebral ischemia) and did not exercise (sedentary); CEA (n = 6): control animals exercised on the treadmill after the false surgery; SI (n = 6): sedentary ischemic animals; IEA (n = 6): animals exercised on the treadmill after the induction of cerebral ischemia.


The type-II fibers atrophy in muscle soleo was observed in groups CEA (5125.63 ± 158.83) and SI (4982.38 ± 248.16) when compared to the SC (5927.98 ± 106.17) and IEA (6526.73 ± 195.08) groups.


It is concluded that the low intensity physical exercise performed on the treadmill for six weeks after the induction of cerebral ischemia by OMCA, promoted a decrease in the atrophy of muscles important of the ischemic animals, benefiting their motor performance.







因此,本研究的目的是分析通过大脑中动脉短暂闭塞诱导脑缺血后接受跑步机训练的大鼠的肱二头肌、比目鱼肌和胫骨前肌的运动表现和组织形态计量学。 MCAO)。


为此,使用了 24 只 30 天大的 Wistar 大鼠。在水平跑步机上进行为期 6 周的锻炼,每天 30 分钟,每周 5 天,控制速度为 8 m/min,MCAO 手术进行 60 分钟。将动物分为以下实验组: SC( n = 6):接受假手术(不引起脑缺血的手术)并且不运动(久坐)的对照动物; CEA( n = 6):假手术后在跑步机上锻炼的对照动物; SI( n = 6):久坐缺血动物; IEA ( n = 6):诱导脑缺血后,动物在跑步机上锻炼。




