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The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the international space station: Part II – Results from the first seven years
Physics Reports ( IF 23.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physrep.2020.09.003
M. Aguilar , L. Ali Cavasonza , G. Ambrosi , L. Arruda , N. Attig , F. Barao , L. Barrin , A. Bartoloni , S. Başeğmez-du Pree , J. Bates , R. Battiston , M. Behlmann , B. Beischer , J. Berdugo , B. Bertucci , V. Bindi , W. de Boer , K. Bollweg , B. Borgia , M.J. Boschini , M. Bourquin , E.F. Bueno , J. Burger , W.J. Burger , S. Burmeister , X.D. Cai , M. Capell , J. Casaus , G. Castellini , F. Cervelli , Y.H. Chang , G.M. Chen , H.S. Chen , Y. Chen , L. Cheng , H.Y. Chou , S. Chouridou , V. Choutko , C.H. Chung , C. Clark , G. Coignet , C. Consolandi , A. Contin , C. Corti , Z. Cui , K. Dadzie , Y.M. Dai , C. Delgado , S. Della Torre , M.B. Demirköz , L. Derome , S. Di Falco , V. Di Felice , C. Díaz , F. Dimiccoli , P. von Doetinchem , F. Dong , F. Donnini , M. Duranti , A. Egorov , A. Eline , J. Feng , E. Fiandrini , P. Fisher , V. Formato , C. Freeman , Y. Galaktionov , C. Gámez , R.J. García-López , C. Gargiulo , H. Gast , I. Gebauer , M. Gervasi , F. Giovacchini , D.M. Gómez-Coral , J. Gong , C. Goy , V. Grabski , D. Grandi , M. Graziani , K.H. Guo , S. Haino , K.C. Han , R.K. Hashmani , Z.H. He , B. Heber , T.H. Hsieh , J.Y. Hu , Z.C. Huang , W. Hungerford , M. Incagli , W.Y. Jang , Yi Jia , H. Jinchi , K. Kanishev , B. Khiali , G.N. Kim , Th. Kirn , M. Konyushikhin , O. Kounina , A. Kounine , V. Koutsenko , A. Kuhlman , A. Kulemzin , G. La Vacca , E. Laudi , G. Laurenti , I. Lazzizzera , A. Lebedev , H.T. Lee , S.C. Lee , C. Leluc , J.Q. Li , M. Li , Q. Li , S. Li , T.X. Li , Z.H. Li , C. Light , C.H. Lin , T. Lippert , Z. Liu , S.Q. Lu , Y.S. Lu , K. Luebelsmeyer , J.Z. Luo , S.S. Lyu , F. Machate , C. Mañá , J. Marín , J. Marquardt , T. Martin , G. Martínez , N. Masi , D. Maurin , A. Menchaca-Rocha , Q. Meng , D.C. Mo , M. Molero , P. Mott , L. Mussolin , J.Q. Ni , N. Nikonov , F. Nozzoli , A. Oliva , M. Orcinha , M. Palermo , F. Palmonari , M. Paniccia , A. Pashnin , M. Pauluzzi , S. Pensotti , H.D. Phan , V. Plyaskin , M. Pohl , S. Porter , X.M. Qi , X. Qin , Z.Y. Qu , L. Quadrani , P.G. Rancoita , D. Rapin , A. Reina Conde , S. Rosier-Lees , A. Rozhkov , D. Rozza , R. Sagdeev , S. Schael , S.M. Schmidt , A. Schulz von Dratzig , G. Schwering , E.S. Seo , B.S. Shan , J.Y. Shi , T. Siedenburg , C. Solano , J.W. Song , R. Sonnabend , Q. Sun , Z.T. Sun , M. Tacconi , X.W. Tang , Z.C. Tang , J. Tian , Samuel C.C. Ting , S.M. Ting , N. Tomassetti , J. Torsti , C. Tüysüz , T. Urban , I. Usoskin , V. Vagelli , R. Vainio , E. Valente , E. Valtonen , M. Vázquez Acosta , M. Vecchi , M. Velasco , J.P. Vialle , L.Q. Wang , N.H. Wang , Q.L. Wang , S. Wang , X. Wang , Z.X. Wang , J. Wei , Z.L. Weng , H. Wu , R.Q. Xiong , W. Xu , Q. Yan , Y. Yang , H. Yi , Y.J. Yu , Z.Q. Yu , M. Zannoni , C. Zhang , F. Zhang , F.Z. Zhang , J.H. Zhang , Z. Zhang , F. Zhao , Z.M. Zheng , H.L. Zhuang , V. Zhukov , A. Zichichi , N. Zimmermann , P. Zuccon

Abstract The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a precision particle physics detector on the International Space Station (ISS) conducting a unique, long-duration mission of fundamental physics research in space. The physics objectives include the precise studies of the origin of dark matter, antimatter, and cosmic rays as well as the exploration of new phenomena. Following a 16-year period of construction and testing, and a precursor flight on the Space Shuttle, AMS was installed on the ISS on May 19, 2011. In this report we present results based on 120 billion charged cosmic ray events up to multi-TeV energies. This includes the fluxes of positrons, electrons, antiprotons, protons, and nuclei. These results provide unexpected information, which cannot be explained by the current theoretical models. The accuracy and characteristics of the data, simultaneously from many different types of cosmic rays, provide unique input to the understanding of origins, acceleration, and propagation of cosmic rays.


国际空间站上的阿尔法磁谱仪 (AMS):第二部分——前七年的结果

摘要 阿尔法磁谱仪 (AMS) 是国际空间站 (ISS) 上的精密粒子物理探测器,执行独特的、长期的空间基础物理研究任务。物理目标包括对暗物质、反物质和宇宙射线起源的精确研究以及对新现象的探索。经过 16 年的建造和测试以及航天飞机的前驱飞行,AMS 于 2011 年 5 月 19 日安装在国际空间站上。在本报告中,我们展示了基于 1200 亿次带电宇宙射线事件的结果,直至多次TeV能量。这包括正电子、电子、反质子、质子和原子核的通量。这些结果提供了出乎意料的信息,目前的理论模型无法解释这些信息。数据的准确性和特征,