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Determination of paper plaster hygrothermal performance: Influence of different types of paper on sorption and moisture buffering
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101830
Maia-Liisa Vares , Aime Ruus , Nele Nutt , Ardo Kubjas , Jane Raamets

The study focuses on the moisture buffering properties of paper plaster. Two questions are under consideration in this article. Firstly, how the paper used influences the properties (dry density, drying shrinkage) of paper plaster, and secondly, what the material sorption and moisture buffering properties of paper plaster are.

Two different dry density sized groups of densities approx. 140–150 kg/m3 (glossy paper and egg cartons) and 240–250 kg/m3 (printer paper and newsprint). Shrinkage properties were 10–14% (in diameter) for printer paper, 3–4% for glossy paper and egg carton, and 5.6% for newsprint.

The results of the tests carried out in a climate chamber show that paper plaster adsorbs water vapour well - more than clay plaster, which is often used as a good moisture buffering material. The maximum moisture content was 961 g/m2 and as a minimum of 726 g/m2. The moisture uptake rate was higher on the first day of RH change than on other days.

Paper plaster is an outstanding water buffering material [2.11–2.99 g/(m2·%RH)] belonging to the moisture buffering class presented by Nordtest method as “excellent".

The results demonstrate that the moisture buffering properties of paper plaster when different papers are used do not differ significantly. It means that all the paper materials used in the study can be used to make paper plaster. Therefore, sorting paper before making paper plaster is not necessary.




两组不同的干密度大小的密度约。140–150 kg / m 3(光面纸和鸡蛋纸箱)和240–250 kg / m 3(打印机纸和新闻纸)。打印机纸张的收缩率(直径)为10–14%,光面纸和鸡蛋纸盒的收缩率为3-4%,新闻纸的收缩率为5.6%。

在一个气候箱中进行的测试结果表明,纸灰泥能很好地吸收水蒸气,比粘土灰泥要好得多,而粘土灰泥通常被用作良好的水分缓冲材料。最大水分含量为961 g / m 2,最小为726 g / m 2。RH变化第一天的吸湿率高于其他几天。

纸面石膏是一种出色的水缓冲材料[2.11–2.99 g /(m 2 ·%RH)],属于Nordtest方法提出的“卓越”水分缓冲类别。

