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Mode transitions in buckling and post-buckling of stretched-twisted strips
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2020.103609
Saeideh Faghfouri , Franz G. Rammerstorfer

The complex buckling behavior of one of the simplest structures, an elastic thin strip under combined stretch and twist loading represents a fascinating example for structural stability analysis. For stretched-twisted strips, in contrast to solely stretched strips, not just the computation of the post-buckling process but also the simulation of the pre-buckling behavior and the determination of the bifurcation loading state requires nonlinearities to be taken into account.

Under twist, not only shear stresses but also membrane normal stresses, with buckling relevant compressive stress contributions, develop. These compressive membrane stresses have components in the longitudinal and – maybe surprisingly – also in the transversal direction, i.e., normal to the long axis of the strip. Depending on the length to width ratio of the strip and on the ratio of the intensity of torque to tension loading, it is either the longitudinal or the transversal compression stress distribution, which is predominantly responsible for the loss of stability of the trivial equilibrium state. This is the reason for the transition from one characteristic of buckling mode shapes to a completely different characteristic of buckling modes in dependence of the loading conditions. Of course, within each of these two characteristics, the buckling modes vary in terms of wave numbers in dependence of the mentioned parameters.

While these kinds of mode transitions has been studied recently elsewhere, the focus of the present paper is, in addition, laid on further mode transitions appearing in the post-buckling domain due to instabilities of equilibrium states either in the form of further bifurcations or snap-through jumps.

Capturing all these effects by numerical simulations requires a well thought out model and a careful control of the computational analysis.





尽管最近已经在其他地方研究了这些类型的模式跃迁,但本文的重点还在于,由于平衡态的不稳定性(以进一步的分叉或捕捉形式),在后屈曲域中出现的其他模式跃迁。 -通过跳跃。

