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Global efforts to protect biodiversity fall short
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.1126/science.369.6510.1418
Erik Stokstad

A major report card on the state of biodiversity gives failing grades to the world9s nations. The United Nations9s Global Biodiversity Outlook 5, released this week, concludes the world has not met ambitious targets set 10 years ago to protect nature. The new assessment finds some bright spots, such as a substantial rise in the extent of protected areas. But only six of the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity9s 20 targets have been even partially reached and some indicators are headed the wrong way. There is still time to halt—and even reverse—the loss of biodiversity, the report concludes. But that will require rapid and substantial changes in agriculture, industry, and other activities. One such change would be including the value of biodiversity in economic decisions, such as infrastructure investment or farm subsidies. Observers hope the report9s sobering conclusions will motivate countries to press for more progress and higher goals when they meet in May 2021 to set new targets for 2030.



一份关于生物多样性状况的主要成绩单给世界上的国家打了不及格的成绩。本周发布的联合国全球生物多样性展望 5 得出的结论是,世界尚未实现 10 年前设定的保护自然的雄心勃勃的目标。新的评估发现了一些亮点,例如保护区范围的大幅增加。但联合国生物多样性公约 20 的目标中只有 6 个甚至部分实现,一些指标走错了路。报告总结说,仍有时间阻止——甚至扭转——生物多样性的丧失。但这将需要农业、工业和其他活动的快速和实质性变化。其中一项变化是将生物多样性的价值纳入经济决策,例如基础设施投资或农业补贴。