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Green Bank and Effelsberg radio telescope searches for axion dark matter conversion in neutron star magnetospheres
Physical Review Letters ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 
Joshua W. Foster, Yonatan Kahn, Oscar Macias, Zhiquan Sun, Ralph P. Eatough, Vladislav I. Kondratiev, Wendy M. Peters, Christoph Weniger, Benjamin R. Safdi

Axion dark matter (DM) may convert to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation in the strong magnetic fields around neutron stars. The radio signature of such a process would be an ultra-narrow spectral peak at a frequency determined by the mass of the axion particle. We analyze data we collected from the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in the L-band and the Effelsberg 100-m Telescope in the L-Band and S-band from a number of sources expected to produce bright signals of axion-photon conversion, including the Galactic Center of the Milky Way and the nearby isolated neutron stars RX J0720.4$-3125andRXJ0806.4-$4123. We find no evidence for axion DM and are able to {set constraints on the existence of axion DM in the highly motivated mass range between $$5-11 μeV with the strongest constraints to-date on axions in the $$10-11 μeV range.


Green Bank和Effelsberg射电望远镜在中子星磁层中寻找轴突暗物质转换

轴突暗物质(DM)可能在中子星周围的强磁场中转换为射频电磁辐射。这种过程的无线电信号将是一个超窄谱峰,其频率由轴突粒子的质量决定。我们分析了从L波段的Robert C. Byrd Green Bank望远镜和L波段和S波段的Effelsberg 100-m望远镜收集到的数据,这些数据来自有望产生轴突-光子转换明亮信号的多种来源,包括银河系的银河中心和附近的孤立中子星RX J0720.4 $-3125一种ñd[RXĴ0806.4-4123美元。我们找不到轴力DM的证据,并且能够{在5-11美元之间的高动力质量范围内设置轴力DM的存在限制。μ电动势,迄今为止对轴的约束最强,在10-11美元 μeV范围。