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Comparing light-front quantization with instant-time quantization
Physics Reports ( IF 30.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physrep.2020.09.001
Philip D. Mannheim , Peter Lowdon , Stanley J. Brodsky

We compare light-front quantization and instant-time quantization both at the level of operators and at the level of their Feynman diagram matrix elements. At the level of operators light-front quantization and instant-time quantization lead to equal light-front time commutation (or anticommutation) relations that appear to be quite different from equal instant-time commutation (or anticommutation) relations. Despite this we show that at unequal times instant-time and light-front commutation (or anticommutation) relations actually can be transformed into each other, with it only being the restriction to equal times that makes the commutation (or anticommutation) relations appear to be so different. While our results are valid for both bosons and fermions, for fermions there are subtleties associated with tip of the light cone contributions that need to be taken care of. At the level of Feynman diagrams we show for non-vacuum Feynman diagrams that the pole terms in four-dimensional light-front Feynman diagrams reproduce the three-dimensional light-front on-shell Hamiltonian Fock space formulation in which the light-front energy and light-front momentum are on shell. However, because of circle at infinity contributions we show that this equivalence fails for four-dimensional light-front vacuum tadpole diagrams. Then, precisely because of these circle at infinity contributions, light-front vacuum tadpole diagrams are not only nonzero, they are actually equal to instant-time vacuum tadpole diagrams. Light-front vacuum diagrams are not correctly describable by the on-shell Hamiltonian formalism, and thus not by the closely related infinite momentum frame prescription either. With the transformation from instant-time fields to light-front fields being a spacetime translation, not only are instant-time quantization and light-front quantization equivalent, they are unitarily equivalent.


