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Modeling the processes of forming the organizational structure of management in itegrated formations
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/915/1/012024
N F Kashapov 1 , M M Nafikov 1, 2 , M X Gazetdinov 3 , Sh M Gazetdinov 3 , A R Nigmatzyanov 2

The article discusses an approach to the procedure for building a rational organizational structure of management of integrated agricultural formations in modern conditions of functioning. In the modern theory of areas have developed quite separately. Thus, research on optimal long-term planning focuses mainly on a certain frozen organizational structure of management without taking into account its dynamics in changing conditions. In the works on the rationalization of the production structure, which is generally, the alternative character of the recommendations, mapping projects not done a proper analysis of effectiveness and expected outcomes further improve the organizational structure of management. This implies the need for a unified conceptual approach to planning and creating an organizational management structure in the agricultural sector of the economy.



