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Driver Behavior at a Freeway Merge to Mixed Traffic of Conventional and Connected Autonomous Vehicles
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1177/0361198120950721
Sneha Chityala 1 , John O. Sobanjo 1 , Eren Erman Ozguven 1 , Thobias Sando 2 , Richard Twumasi-Boakye 1

Freeway merge ramps serve as one of the most challenging areas in traffic operations. This paper primarily focuses on creating a mixed traffic of conventional and connected/autonomous vehicles (CAVs) on freeways, and capturing driver behaviors both for the merging vehicle on the ramp and the freeway vehicles. The mixed distribution of vehicle headways of the freeway vehicles, developed based on various market penetration rates of the CAVs, was used to randomly generate vehicles through Monte Carlo simulation, and assigned as headways in a driving simulator. Based on perception, young drivers on the merge ramp were observed to choose critical headway gaps of 2.9 s, 1.8 s, and 1.7 s for freeway traffic of 0%, 50%, 75% penetration rates, respectively. For similar CAV penetration rates, the critical gaps observed for elderly drivers were 3.5 s, 2.0 s, and 1.9 s, respectively. When actually driving in the simulator, for the scenarios of 0% CAVs and 50% CAVs on the freeway, the values of average headway gaps accepted by young drivers were estimated as 2.36 s and 1.53 s, respectively. For the elderly drivers driving the simulator, the average headway gap values accepted were estimated as 2.72 s and 1.55 s, respectively, in the 0% and 50% penetration rates on the freeway traffic. Analyses of the speed profiles of the vehicles showed the effects of the acceleration/deceleration of merging vehicles, for both young and older drivers, on the freeway vehicles, including a few cases of collision. Overall, it was observed that the subject drivers accepted shorter headway gaps for increased CAV penetration levels.



高速公路合并坡道是交通运营中最具挑战性的地区之一。本文主要侧重于在高速公路上创建常规和联网/无人驾驶车辆(CAV)的混合交通,并捕获坡道上的合并车辆和高速公路车辆的驾驶员行为。基于CAV的各种市场渗透率开发的高速公路车辆的车速混合分布,用于通过Monte Carlo模拟随机生成车辆,并在驾驶模拟器中分配为车速。根据感知,在高速公路通行率分别为0%,50%和75%的情况下,观察到合并坡道上的年轻驾驶员选择的临界车距差距为2.9 s,1.8 s和1.7 s。对于相似的CAV渗透率,老年驾驶员观察到的临界差距为3.5 s,2.0 s,和1.9 s。在模拟器中实际行驶时,对于高速公路上0%CAV和50%CAV的情况,年轻驾驶员接受的平均车距差距值分别估计为2.36 s和1.53 s。对于驾驶模拟器的老年驾驶员而言,在高速公路交通的0%和50%渗透率下,可接受的平均车距差距值分别估计为2.72 s和1.55 s。车辆速度分布图的分析表明,合并的车辆的加速/减速(无论是年轻驾驶员还是老年驾驶员)对高速公路车辆的影响,包括一些碰撞事件。总体而言,观察到本车手接受了较短的前进距离,以增加CAV的渗透水平。对于高速公路上CAV为0%和CAV为50%的情况,年轻驾驶员接受的平均车距差距值分别为2.36 s和1.53 s。对于驾驶模拟器的老年驾驶员而言,在高速公路交通的0%和50%渗透率下,可接受的平均车距差距值分别估计为2.72 s和1.55 s。车辆速度分布图的分析表明,合并的车辆的加速/减速(无论是年轻驾驶员还是老年驾驶员)对高速公路车辆的影响,包括一些碰撞事件。总体而言,观察到本车手接受了较短的前进距离,以增加CAV的渗透水平。对于高速公路上CAV为0%和CAV为50%的情况,年轻驾驶员接受的平均车距差距值分别为2.36 s和1.53 s。对于驾驶模拟器的老年驾驶员而言,在高速公路交通的0%和50%渗透率下,可接受的平均车距差距值分别估计为2.72 s和1.55 s。车辆速度分布图的分析表明,合并的车辆的加速/减速(无论是年轻驾驶员还是老年驾驶员)对高速公路车辆的影响,包括一些碰撞事件。总体而言,观察到本车手接受了较短的前进距离,以增加CAV的渗透水平。对于驾驶模拟器的老年驾驶员而言,在高速公路交通的0%和50%渗透率下,可接受的平均车距差距值分别估计为2.72 s和1.55 s。车辆速度分布图的分析表明,合并的车辆的加速/减速(无论是年轻驾驶员还是老年驾驶员)对高速公路车辆的影响,包括一些碰撞事件。总体而言,观察到本车手接受了较短的前进距离,以增加CAV的渗透水平。对于驾驶模拟器的老年驾驶员而言,在高速公路交通的0%和50%渗透率下,可接受的平均车距差距值分别估计为2.72 s和1.55 s。车辆速度分布图的分析表明,合并的车辆的加速/减速(无论是年轻驾驶员还是老年驾驶员)对高速公路车辆的影响,包括一些碰撞事件。总体而言,观察到本车手接受了较短的前进距离,以增加CAV的渗透水平。对于年轻人和年长的驾驶员而言,在高速公路上的车辆都包括撞车事故。总体而言,观察到本车手接受了较短的前进距离,以增加CAV的渗透水平。对于年轻人和年长的驾驶员而言,在高速公路上的车辆都包括撞车事故。总体而言,观察到本车手接受了较短的前进距离,以增加CAV的渗透水平。
