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Design and Simulation of a Steam Turbine Generator using Observer Based and LQR Controllers
arXiv - CS - Systems and Control Pub Date : 2020-08-29 , DOI: arxiv-2009.06714
Mustefa Jibril, Messay Tadese, Eliyas Alemayehu Tadese

Steam turbine generator is an electromechanical system which converts heat energy to electrical energy. In this paper, the modeling, design and analysis of a simple steam turbine generator have done using Matlab/Simulink Toolbox. The open loop system have been analyzed to have an efficiency of 76.92 %. Observer based & linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controllers have been designed to improve the generating voltage. Comparison of this two proposed controllers have been done for increasing the performance improvement to generate a 220 Dc volt. The simulation result shows that the steam turbine generator with observer based controller has a small percentage overshoot with minimum settling time than the steam turbine generator with LQR controller and the open loop system. Finally, the steam turbine generator with observer based controller shows better improvement in performance than the steam turbine generator with LQR controller.


使用基于观测器和 LQR 控制器的汽轮发电机的设计和仿真

汽轮发电机是一种将热能转化为电能的机电系统。在本文中,使用 Matlab/Simulink Toolbox 完成了简单汽轮发电机的建模、设计和分析。经分析,开环系统的效率为 76.92%。基于观测器的线性二次调节器 (LQR) 控制器旨在提高发电电压。已经对这两个建议的控制器进行了比较,以提高性能以产生 220 直流电压。仿真结果表明,基于观测器控制器的汽轮发电机比采用LQR控制器和开环系统的汽轮发电机具有较小的超调百分比和最小的稳定时间。最后,