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Old Photo Restoration via Deep Latent Space Translation
arXiv - CS - Graphics Pub Date : 2020-09-14 , DOI: arxiv-2009.07047
Ziyu Wan, Bo Zhang, Dongdong Chen, Pan Zhang, Dong Chen, Jing Liao, Fang Wen

We propose to restore old photos that suffer from severe degradation through a deep learning approach. Unlike conventional restoration tasks that can be solved through supervised learning, the degradation in real photos is complex and the domain gap between synthetic images and real old photos makes the network fail to generalize. Therefore, we propose a novel triplet domain translation network by leveraging real photos along with massive synthetic image pairs. Specifically, we train two variational autoencoders (VAEs) to respectively transform old photos and clean photos into two latent spaces. And the translation between these two latent spaces is learned with synthetic paired data. This translation generalizes well to real photos because the domain gap is closed in the compact latent space. Besides, to address multiple degradations mixed in one old photo, we design a global branch with apartial nonlocal block targeting to the structured defects, such as scratches and dust spots, and a local branch targeting to the unstructured defects, such as noises and blurriness. Two branches are fused in the latent space, leading to improved capability to restore old photos from multiple defects. Furthermore, we apply another face refinement network to recover fine details of faces in the old photos, thus ultimately generating photos with enhanced perceptual quality. With comprehensive experiments, the proposed pipeline demonstrates superior performance over state-of-the-art methods as well as existing commercial tools in terms of visual quality for old photos restoration.


