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Resonant bending of silicon nanowires by incident light
Optics Letters ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.1364/ol.406109
Evgeny N. Bulgakov , Almas F. Sadreev

Coupling of two dielectric wires with a rectangular cross section gives rise to bonding and anti-bonding resonances. The latter is featured by extremal narrowing of the resonant width for variation of the aspect ratio of the cross section and distance between wires. A plane wave resonant to this anti-bonding resonance gives rise to unprecedent enhancement of the optical forces up to several nano Newtons per micrometer length of the wires. The forces oscillate with the angle of incidence of the plane wave but always try to repel the wires. If the wires are fixed at the ends, the light power $1.5\; {\rm mW}/\unicode{x00B5} {{\rm m}^2}$ bends wires with length 50 µm by order 100 nm.



具有矩形横截面的两条电介质线的耦合引起键合和抗键合共振。后者的特征在于谐振宽度的极端变窄,以改变横截面的纵横比和导线之间的距离。共振到这种反键共振的平面波导致光学力的前所未有的增强,每微米长度的电线可将光学力提高几纳米牛顿。力随着平面波的入射角而振荡,但总是试图排斥导线。如果电线固定在两端,则光功率为$ 1.5 \; {\ rm mW} / \ unicode {x00B5} {{\ rm m} ^ 2} $将长度为50 µm的导线弯曲100 nm。