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Electrically stimulated contractile activity-induced transcriptomic responses and metabolic remodeling in C2C12 myotubes: twitch vs. tetanic contractions.
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1152/ajpcell.00494.2019
Yuki Tamura 1, 2, 3 , Karina Kouzaki 4, 5 , Takaya Kotani 2 , Koichi Nakazato 1, 2, 4, 5

The contraction of myotubes using electrical pulse stimulation is a research tool used to mimic muscle contractile activity and exercise in rodents and humans. Most protocols employed in previous work used low-frequency twitch contractions. However, high-frequency tetanus contractions that are more physiologically relevant to muscle contractions in vivo are poorly characterized. In this report, the similarities and differences in acute responses and chronic adaptations with different contractile modes using twitches (2 Hz, continuous, 3 h) and tetanus (66 Hz, on: 5 s/off: 5 s, 3 h) were investigated. RNA-seq-based transcriptome analysis and subsequent bioinformatics analysis suggest that tetanus may promote bioenergetic remodeling rather than twitch. Based on in silico analyses, metabolic remodeling after three contractile sessions of twitch and tetanus were investigated. Although twitch and tetanus had no significant effect on glycolysis, both types of contraction upregulated glucose oxidation capacity. Both twitch and tetanus qualitatively caused mitochondrial adaptations (increased content, respiratory chain enzyme activity and respiratory function). The magnitude of adaptation was much greater under tetanus conditions. Our findings indicate that the contraction of myotubes by tetanus may be a useful experimental model, especially when studying metabolic adaptations in C2C12 myotubes.



使用电脉冲刺激的肌管收缩是一种用于模拟啮齿动物和人类的肌肉收缩活动和运动的研究工具。先前工作中采用的大多数协议都是使用低频抽搐收缩。但是,高频破伤风收缩与体内肌肉收缩在生理上更相关。在本报告中,研究了使用抽搐(2 Hz,连续3 h)和破伤风(66 Hz,开:5 s / off:5 s,3 h)在不同收缩模式下急性反应和慢性适应的异同。 。基于RNA序列的转录组分析和随后的生物信息学分析表明,破伤风可能促进生物能重塑而不是抽搐。根据计算机分析,抽搐和破伤风三个收缩会议后的代谢重塑进行了调查。尽管抽搐和破伤风对糖酵解没有显着影响,但两种类型的收缩均上调了葡萄糖的氧化能力。抽搐和破伤风都定性地引起线粒体适应性(含量,呼吸链酶活性和呼吸功能增加)。破伤风条件下的适应程度要大得多。我们的发现表明,破伤风引起的肌管收缩可能是有用的实验模型,尤其是在研究C2C12肌管的代谢适应性时。抽搐和破伤风都定性地引起线粒体适应性(含量,呼吸链酶活性和呼吸功能增加)。破伤风条件下的适应程度要大得多。我们的发现表明,破伤风引起的肌管收缩可能是有用的实验模型,尤其是在研究C2C12肌管的代谢适应性时。抽搐和破伤风都定性地引起线粒体适应性(含量,呼吸链酶活性和呼吸功能增加)。破伤风条件下的适应程度要大得多。我们的发现表明,破伤风引起的肌管收缩可能是有用的实验模型,尤其是在研究C2C12肌管的代谢适应性时。