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Reevaluation of Blapimorpha and Opatrinae : addressing a major phylogeny‐classification gap in darkling beetles ( Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Blaptinae )
Systematic Entomology ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1111/syen.12453
Marcin J. Kamiński 1, 2 , Ryan Lumen 1 , Kojun Kanda 3 , Dariusz Iwan 2 , M. Andrew Johnston 4 , Gael J. Kergoat 5 , Patrice Bouchard 6 , Xing Long Bai 7 , Xiu Min Li 7 , Guo Dong Ren 7 , Aaron D. Smith 1

The taxonomic concepts of Blapimorpha and Opatrinae (informal and traditional, morphology‐based groupings among darkling beetles) are tested using molecular phylogenetics and a reassessment of larval and adult morphology to address a major phylogeny‐classification gap in Tenebrionidae. Instead of a holistic approach (family‐level phylogeny), this study uses a bottom‐up strategy (tribal grouping) in order to define larger, monophyletic lineages within Tenebrioninae. Sampling included representatives of 27 tenebrionid tribes: Alleculini, Amarygmini, Amphidorini, Blaptini, Bolitophagini, Branchini, Cerenopini, Coniontini, Caenocrypticini, Dendarini, Eulabini, Helopini, Lagriini, Melanimini, Opatrini, Pedinini, Phaleriini, Physogasterini, Platynotini, Platyscelidini, Praociini, Scaurini, Scotobiini, Tenebrionini, Trachyscelini, Triboliini and Ulomini. Molecular analyses were based on DNA sequence data from four non‐overlapping gene regions: carbamoyl‐phosphate synthetase domain of rudimentary (CAD) (723 bp), wingless (wg) (438 bp) and nuclear ribosomal 28S (1101 bp) and mitochondrial ribosomal 12S (363 bp). Additionally, 15 larval and imaginal characters were scored and subjected to an ancestral state reconstruction analysis. Results revealed that Amphidorini, Blaptini, Dendarini, Pedinini, Platynotini, Platyscelidini and Opatrini form a clade which can be defined by the following morphological features: adults—antennae lacking compound/stellate sensoria; procoxal cavities externally and internally closed, intersternal membrane of abdominal ventrites 3–5 visible; paired abdominal defensive glands present, elongate, not annulated; larvae—prolegs enlarged (adapted for digging); ninth tergite lacking urogomphi. To accommodate this monophyletic grouping (281 genera and ∼4000 species), the subfamily Blaptinae sens. nov. is resurrected. Prior to these results, all of the tribes within Blaptinae were classified within the polyphyletic subfamily Tenebrioninae. The non‐monophyletic nature of Terebrioninae has already been postulated by previous authors, yet no taxonomic decisions were made to fix its status. The reinstatement of Blaptinae, which groups ∼50% of the former Tenebrioninae, helps to clarify phylogenetic relations among the whole family and is the first step towards a complete higher‐level revision of Tenebrionidae. The Central Asian tribe Dissonomini (two genera, ∼30 species) was not included in Blaptinae due to a lack of representatives in the performed phylogenetic analyses; however, based on morphological features, the tribe is listed as a potential addition to the subfamily.


重新评估 Blapimorpha 和 Opatrinae:解决暗甲虫的主要系统发育分类差距(鞘翅目:Tenebrionidae:Blaptinae)

Blapimorpha 和 Opatrinae 的分类概念(暗甲虫中非正式和传统的基于形态的分组)使用分子系统发育学和对幼虫和成虫形态的重新评估进行测试,以解决粉蚧科的主要系统发育分类差距。本研究使用自下而上的策略(部落分组),而不是整体方法(家族级别的系统发育),以便在 Tenebrioninae 中定义更大的单系谱系。抽样包括 27 个 Tenebrionid 部落的代表:Alleculini、Amarygmini、Amphidorini、Blaptini、Bolitophagini、Branchini、Cerenopini、Coniontini、Caenocrypticini、Dendarini、Eulabini、Helopini、Lagriini、Melanimini、Opatrini、Pedinini、Phalnotogini、Phalnotogini、Planotogini、Planotogini、 Scaurini、Scotobiini、Tenebrionini、Trachyscelini、Triboliini 和 Ulomini。分子分析基于来自四个非重叠基因区域的 DNA 序列数据:基本氨基甲酰磷酸合成酶域 (CAD) (723 bp)、无翼 (wg) (438 bp) 和核糖体 28S (1101 bp) 和线粒体核糖体12S (363 bp)。此外,对 15 个幼虫和成虫特征进行评分并进行祖先状态重建分析。结果显示,Amphidorini、Blaptini、Dendarini、Pedinini、Platynotini、Platyscelidini 和 Opatrini 形成一个进化枝,可以通过以下形态特征来定义:成虫-缺乏复合/星状感觉的触角;外部和内部的前轮腔,腹腔室的胸膜 3-5 可见;成对的腹部防御腺存在,拉长,不具环;幼虫——前肢增大(适合挖掘);第九 tergite 缺乏 urogomphi。为了适应这种单系群(281 属和 4000 种),亚科 Blaptinae sens。十一月 复活了。在这些结果之前,Blaptinae 内的所有部落都被归入多系亚科 Tenebrioninae。以前的作者已经假设了 Terebrioninae 的非单系性质,但没有做出分类决定来确定其地位。Blaptinae 的恢复,它包含了大约 50% 的前 Tenebrioninae,有助于阐明整个家族之间的系统发育关系,并且是迈向 Tenebrionidae 完整更高级别修订的第一步。由于在进行的系统发育分析中缺乏代表,中亚部落 Dissonomini(两个属,约 30 种)未包括在 Blaptinae 中;然而,