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Assessment of Public Radiation Dose due to Marine and Atmospheric Release of the Fukushima Treated Water
Nuclear Engineering and Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.net.2020.09.016
Dong-Kwon Keum , Hyojoon Jeong , In Jun , Kwang-Muk Lim , Won-Tae Hwang

Abstract The projected radiation dose to the public due to the release into the environment of the Fukushima treated water was assessed using the methodology of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). The assessment was carried out for ten key radionuclides (3H, 60Co, 125Sb, 90Sr, 106Ru, 129I, 134Cs, 137Cs, 14C, and 99Tc) in the treated water, and the mean measured radioactivity concentration of each radionuclide was used as the source term. The release scenario assumed was that all of the radionuclides in the tanks were released continuously into the marine or atmosphere for one year without additional purification. In the case of the marine release, the estimated public exposure dose in Japan and in the Republic of Korea was 0.85 μSv/y and 1.4E-5 μSv/y, respectively. In the case of atmospheric release, the estimated public dose at 5 km from the release point (FDNPS) and in Busan, the Republic of Korea (about 1,090 km from FDNPS) was 40.6 μSv/y and 0.061 μSv/y, respectively. The exposure dose level arising from both release options is unlikely to have a harmful radiological effect on the public because it is much lower than the annual dose limit for the public (1,000 μSv/y).



摘要 使用联合国原子辐射影响科学委员会 (UNSCEAR) 的方法评估了由于福岛处理过的水释放到环境中而对公众造成的预计辐射剂量。对处理后的水中10种关键放射性核素(3H、60Co、125Sb、90Sr、106Ru、129I、134Cs、137Cs、14C、99Tc)进行评价,并以各放射性核素测得的平均放射性浓度为源学期。假定的释放情景是储罐中的所有放射性核素在没有额外净化的情况下连续释放到海洋或大气中一年。在海洋释放的情况下,日本和大韩民国的估计公众暴露剂量分别为 0.85 μSv/y 和 1.4E-5 μSv/y。在大气释放的情况下,距释放点 (FDNPS) 5 公里和大韩民国釜山(距 FDNPS 约 1,090 公里)的估计公众剂量分别为 40.6 μSv/y 和 0.061 μSv/y。两种释放方案产生的暴露剂量水平不太可能对公众产生有害的放射学影响,因为它远低于公众的年剂量限值 (1,000 μSv/y)。