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Two boundary centralizer algebras for q(n)
Journal of Algebra ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2020.08.028
Jieru Zhu

Abstract We define the degenerate two boundary affine Hecke-Clifford algebra H d , and show it admits a well-defined q ( n ) -linear action on the tensor space M ⊗ N ⊗ V ⊗ d , where V is the natural module for q ( n ) , and M , N are arbitrary modules for q ( n ) , the Lie superalgebra of Type Q. When M and N are irreducible highest weight modules parameterized by a staircase partition and a single row, respectively, this action factors through a quotient of H d . We then construct explicit modules for this quotient, H p , d , using combinatorial tools such as shifted tableaux and the Bratteli graph. These modules belong to a family of modules which we call calibrated. Using the relations in H p , d , we also classify a specific class of calibrated modules. The irreducible summands of M ⊗ N ⊗ V ⊗ d coincide with the combinatorial construction, and provide a weak version of the Schur-Weyl type duality.


q(n) 的两个边界集中器代数

摘要 我们定义了退化的两个边界仿射 Hecke-Clifford 代数 H d ,并证明它允许在张量空间 M ⊗ N ⊗ V ⊗ d 上有明确定义的 q ( n ) -线性作用,其中 V 是 q 的自然模( n ) , 和 M , N 是 q ( n ) 的任意模,Q 类型的李超代数。当 M 和 N 是分别由阶梯分区和单行参数化的不可约最高权重模时,这个动作通过H d 的商。然后,我们使用组合工具(例如移位表和 Bratteli 图)为这​​个商 H p 、d 构建显式模块。这些模块属于我们称之为校准的模块系列。使用 H p , d 中的关系,我们还对特定类别的校准模块进行了分类。M ⊗ N ⊗ V ⊗ d 的不可约和与组合构造重合,