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Physiological responses of two different epiphytic bromeliads exposed in a polluted subtropical region in southeast Brazil characterized by seasonal climate
Ecological Indicators ( IF 7.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106945
Patricia Giampaoli , Armando Reis Tavares , Marisa Domingos

Climate and atmospheric pollutants, such as ozone (O3), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), herbicides and particulate matter, can elevate the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increase stress on plants. However, many plants can tolerate stress, neutralizing ROS through their antioxidant defense system and physiological mechanisms. Some, such as bromeliad species, are even able to accumulate pollutants and/or avoid the entry of pollutants into their tissues. This study aimed at investigating comparatively physiological responses of Aechmea fasciata and Tillandsia usneoides in a polluted subtropical region characterized by seasonal climate. We raised the hypothesis that the species most acclimatable physiologically to the seasonal climate will be the most appropriate for pollution biomonitoring purposes. To accomplish this, A. fasciata and T. usneoides plants were exposed in five locations in the metropolitan region of Campinas (MRC), São Paulo State, Brazil, for 22 months in 12-week cycles, totaling 8 exposure periods. Key non-enzymatic antioxidants (ascorbic acid and glutathione), chlorophylls and indicators of lipid peroxidation (hydroperoxide diene conjugated and malondialdehyde) and growth parameters were measured at the end of each exposure. Results showed that A. fasciata and T. usneoides have different strategies, especially regarding the potential to tolerate oxidative stress and grow in the subtropical region characterized by pollutants and seasonal climate. A. fasciata has a higher ability to change their antioxidant metabolism than T. usneoides to compensate the oxidative stress induced by environmental stressors in the study region, despite its higher MDA levels. The physiological parameters of A. fasciata were inversely correlated with air pollutants, revealing that the specie is responsive to fluctuations of environmental stressors. T. usneoides did not interact physiologically with air pollutants during wet periods. Therefore, we concluded that A. fasciata is a more efficient bioindicator bromeliad in a polluted subtropical region characterized by seasonal climate.



气候和大气污染物,例如臭氧(O 3),氮氧化物(NO x),二氧化硫(SO 2),除草剂和颗粒物,会增加活性氧(ROS)的产生并增加植物的压力。但是,许多植物可以耐受胁迫,通过其抗氧化防御系统和生理机制中和ROS。有些,例如凤梨属物种,甚至能够积累污染物和/或避免污染物进入其组织。这项研究旨在调查Aechmea fasciataTillandsia usneoides的相对生理反应在以季节性气候为特征的受污染的亚热带地区 我们提出了这样的假设:在生理上最适合季节性气候的物种将最适合于污染生物监测。为此,在巴西圣保罗州坎皮纳斯(MRC)大都市区的五个位置,分别对fasciataT. usneoides植物进行了暴露,共12个月,共12个月,共8个月。在每次暴露结束时,测量关键的非酶抗氧化剂(抗坏血酸和谷胱甘肽),叶绿素和脂质过氧化指示剂(共轭氢过氧化物二烯和丙二醛)和生长参数。结果显示,筋膜曲霉松节线虫有不同的策略,尤其是在潜在的氧化性压力和在以污染物和季节性气候为特征的亚热带地区生长方面。A. fasciata必须改变它们的抗氧化代谢比更高的能力T. usneoides,以补偿在研究区域环境压力引起的氧化应激,尽管其较高的MDA水平。筋膜曲霉的生理参数与空气污染物成反比,表明该物种对环境压力的波动有反应。在湿润时期,T。usneoides不会与空气污染物发生生理相互作用。因此,我们得出结论,A。fasciata 是在以季节性气候为特征的受污染的亚热带地区更有效的生物指示剂凤梨科。
