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Seasonal survival in a non-hibernating Mediterranean garden dormouse population
Mammalian Biology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s42991-020-00067-1
Adrià Viñals-Domingo , Sandro Bertolino , Germán López-Iborra , José Antonio Gil-Delgado

The seasonal survival pattern of a garden dormouse Eliomys quercinus population was studied in a Mediterranean agricultural field area from East Spain, a geographical location in which this species does exhibit no hibernation. Individuals were captured from nest—boxes checked monthly during a 4-year period. Data were analysed using an open population Cormack–Jolly–Seber model including sex, age class and season as factors. Best models included the effect of age and differences in survival between adult males and females. Survival rate was more variable between seasons in males than in females or juveniles. Maximum adult male survival was reached in autumn, decreased in winter and dropped to very low values in spring and summer. Survival of adult females was higher and presented a less marked seasonal pattern. Seasonal survival of juveniles was fairly constant along the year. Recapture probability also varied seasonally and was twice in winter than in the rest of the year. The local annual survival rate obtained in adult females exceeded the survival rate observed in some garden dormouse populations from Italy, but it was considerably lower in comparison to the values obtained in South Spain and France. The possible energetic consequences of the constant sexual activity exhibited by this garden dormouse population and the effect of other factors, such as the availability of food and social interactions between individuals, seem to influence in the seasonal variations in survival rate for this rodent species in this agricultural habitat.



在西班牙东部的地中海农田地区研究了花园睡鼠 Eliomys quercinus 种群的季节性生存模式,该地区在该地区不表现出冬眠。个体是从巢穴中捕获的——在 4 年期间每月检查一次。使用开放种群 Cormack-Jolly-Seber 模型分析数据,包括性别、年龄等级和季节作为因素。最佳模型包括年龄的影响以及成年男性和女性之间的生存差异。雄性与雌性或幼鱼相比,不同季节的存活率变化更大。成年雄性成活率在秋季达到最高,冬季下降,春季和夏季降至非常低的值。成年雌性的存活率更高,并且呈现出不太明显的季节性模式。幼鱼的季节性存活率在一年中相当稳定。重新捕获的概率也随季节变化,冬季是一年中其他时间的两倍。在成年雌性中获得的当地年存活率超过了在意大利一些花园睡鼠种群中观察到的存活率,但与在西班牙南部和法国获得的值相比要低得多。这种花园睡鼠种群表现出的持续性活动可能产生的能量后果以及其他因素的影响,例如食物的可获得性和个体之间的社会互动,似乎影响了该啮齿动物物种存活率的季节性变化。农业栖息地。重新捕获的概率也随季节变化,冬季是一年中其他时间的两倍。在成年雌性中获得的当地年存活率超过了在意大利一些花园睡鼠种群中观察到的存活率,但与在西班牙南部和法国获得的值相比要低得多。这种花园睡鼠种群表现出的持续性活动可能产生的能量后果以及其他因素的影响,例如食物的可获得性和个体之间的社会互动,似乎影响了该啮齿动物物种存活率的季节性变化。农业栖息地。重新捕获的概率也随季节变化,冬季是一年中其他时间的两倍。在成年雌性中获得的当地年存活率超过了在意大利一些花园睡鼠种群中观察到的存活率,但与在西班牙南部和法国获得的值相比要低得多。这种花园睡鼠种群表现出的持续性活动可能产生的能量后果以及其他因素的影响,例如食物的可获得性和个体之间的社会互动,似乎影响了该啮齿动物物种存活率的季节性变化。农业栖息地。但与在西班牙南部和法国获得的值相比,它要低得多。这种花园睡鼠种群表现出的持续性活动可能产生的能量后果以及其他因素的影响,例如食物的可获得性和个体之间的社会互动,似乎影响了该啮齿动物物种存活率的季节性变化。农业栖息地。但与在西班牙南部和法国获得的值相比,它要低得多。这种花园睡鼠种群表现出的持续性活动可能产生的能量后果以及其他因素的影响,例如食物的可获得性和个体之间的社会互动,似乎影响了该啮齿动物物种存活率的季节性变化。农业栖息地。