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Physical simulation experiment on prevention and control of water inrush disaster by backfilling mining under aquifer
Environmental Earth Sciences ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s12665-020-09174-1
Qiang Sun , Guohao Meng , Kai Sun , Jixiong Zhang

Solid backfill coal mining technology can be safely and efficiently used to exploit coal resources under aquifers, without causing harm to the water resources and the environment. Nevertheless, the mechanism of fracture development and seepage channel or pathway control in the key aquiclude strata (KAS) in backfill coal mining under fluid–solid coupling have not been studied. Based on the similarity theory of fluid–solid coupling physical simulation, this study involves experimental evaluation of similar materials and characteristics of composite KAS, backfill body, and aquifer. Subsequently, we designed and employed three experimental models for physical simulation, corresponding to backfill materials’ compaction ratios (BMCRs) of 0%, 65%, and 80% using the geological conditions of mining face No. 101 under the aquifer in the Wugou coal mine. Fracture evolution laws, mining-induced deformation, and stress distribution characteristics of composite KAS with different BMCRs are studied. The backfill body can effectively weaken the influence of mining stress, such as the maximum subsidence, sinking speed, initial or periodic fracture damage area of the composite KAS, inhibiting the formation of seepage cracks and water inrush channels. The increase in the BMCR plays an important role in the closure and repair of developed fractures.



