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Classical tests of general relativity II: looking to the past to understand the present
Physics Education Pub Date : 2020-09-15 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-6552/abae23
Jorge Pinochet

Einstein's theory of general relativity (GR) provides the best available description of gravity. The recent detection of gravitational waves and the first picture of a black hole have provided spectacular confirmations of GR, as well as arousing substantial interest in topics related to gravitation. However, to understand present and future discoveries, it is convenient to look to the past, to the classical tests of GR, namely, the deflection of light by the Sun, the perihelion precession of Mercury, and the gravitational redshift of light. The objective of this work is to offer a non-technical introduction to the classical tests of GR. In this first part of the work, some basic concepts of relativity are introduced and the principle of equivalence is analysed. The second part of the article examines the classical tests.


广义相对论的经典检验 II:回顾过去以了解现在

爱因斯坦的广义相对论 (GR) 提供了对引力最好的描述。最近对引力波的探测和黑洞的第一张图片为 GR 提供了壮观的证实,并引起了人们对与引力有关的主题的极大兴趣。然而,要了解现在和未来的发现,回顾过去,看看 GR 的经典测试,即太阳对光的偏转、水星的近日点进动和光的引力红移是很方便的。这项工作的目的是为 GR 的经典测试提供非技术性的介绍。在工作的第一部分,介绍了相对论的一些基本概念,并分析了等效原理。文章的第二部分检查了经典测试。