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Implications of ageing for the design of cognitive interaction systems
arXiv - CS - Human-Computer Interaction Pub Date : 2020-09-14 , DOI: arxiv-2009.06272
L. Morillo-Mendez

We are living longer in times of the biggest technological revolution humanity had ever seen before. Trying to understand how these two facts interact with each other, or more specifically, trying to maximise the benefits that new developments could potentially offer for the enhancement of the quality of life of older adults, is a task on which we have already begun to work. In particular, the rapid growth of cognitive interaction systems (CISs), technologies that learn and interact with humans to extend what human and machine could do on their own, offers a promising landscape of possibilities.



在人类前所未有的最大技术革命时代,我们活得更久。试图了解这两个事实如何相互影响,或者更具体地说,试图最大限度地发挥新发展可能为提高老年人生活质量带来的好处,这是我们已经开始着手的一项任务。 . 尤其是认知交互系统 (CIS) 的快速增长,这些技术可以学习和与人类交互以扩展人类和机器自己可以做的事情,提供了充满希望的前景。