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Open Problem: Average-Case Hardness of Hypergraphic Planted Clique Detection
arXiv - CS - Computational Complexity Pub Date : 2020-09-12 , DOI: arxiv-2009.05870
Yuetian Luo and Anru R. Zhang

We note the significance of hypergraphic planted clique (HPC) detection in the investigation of computational hardness for a range of tensor problems. We ask if more evidence for the computational hardness of HPC detection can be developed. In particular, we conjecture if it is possible to establish the equivalence of the computational hardness between HPC and PC detection.


开放问题:Hypergraphic Planted Clique 检测的平均案例硬度

我们注意到超图种植集团 (HPC) 检测在一系列张量问题的计算硬度调查中的重要性。我们询问是否可以为 HPC 检测的计算硬度提供更多证据。特别是,我们推测是否可以在 HPC 和 PC 检测之间建立计算硬度的等价性。