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Next One Up! Exploring How Coaches Manage Team Dynamics Following Injury
The Sport Psychologist ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.1123/tsp.2019-0148
Rachel A. Van Woezik 1 , Alex J. Benson 2 , Mark W. Bruner 1

Injuries are commonplace in high-intensity sport, and research has explored how athletes are psychologically affected by such events. As injuries carry implications for the group environment in sport teams, the authors explored what occurs within a team during a time period of injury from a coach perspective and how high-performance coaches manage a group at this time. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 10 Canadian university basketball head coaches. Thematic analysis revealed four high-order themes in relation to how coaches managed group dynamics from the moment of the injury event to an athlete’s reintegration into the lineup. Strategies to mitigate the negative effects of injury on the group environment while prioritizing athlete well-being involved remaining stoic at the time of an injury event, maintaining the injured athlete’s sense of connection to the team, and coordinating with support staff throughout the recovery and reintegration process.



