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Minibus taxis in Kampala's paratransit system: Operations, economics and efficiency
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102853
Innocent Ndibatya , M.J. Booysen

Abstract Most cities in sub-Saharan Africa rely for their public transport on paratransit in the form of fourteen- to twenty-seater privately owned and mostly old minibus taxis. The system is often seen as disorganized, unregulated and inefficient. To assess the accuracy of this picture, we analyzed the operations and economics of Kampala's minibus taxi system and its efficiency from the passengers' and the drivers' perspectives, using ‘floating car data’. We found that the picture is largely accurate. Our findings suggest the need for moderate transformation: adequate enforcement of regulations, reorganization of ownership, renewal of fleets, and integration of ICT systems to facilitate scheduling, booking and fare collection. This will help to make the system safer, cleaner and more efficient for Kampalan commuters and more stable, secure and profitable for the minibus taxi drivers and the mini industries that depend on them.



摘要 撒哈拉以南非洲的大多数城市都依赖辅助客运系统的公共交通,这些公共交通工具是 14 到 20 座私人拥有的,大部分是旧的小巴出租车。该系统通常被视为杂乱无章、不受监管且效率低下。为了评估这张图片的准确性,我们使用“浮动汽车数据”从乘客和司机的角度分析了坎帕拉小巴出租车系统的运营和经济性及其效率。我们发现图片在很大程度上是准确的。我们的研究结果表明需要适度转型:充分执行法规、重组所有权、更新车队以及整合 ICT 系统以促进调度、预订和收费。这将有助于使坎帕兰通勤者的系统更安全、更清洁、更高效,并且更稳定,