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The Fiqh of disaster: The mitigation of covid-19 in the perspective of Islamic education-neuroscience.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101848
Suyadi 1 , Zalik Nuryana 1, 2 , Niki Alma Febriana Fauzi 1

Fikih Kebencanaan (Coping with Disaster) is a product of Muhammadiyah's ijtihad to respond to contemporary problems, especially geological and non-geological disasters, which later become the normative foundation for the mitigation of health disasters such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The paradigm of the present research is a transdisciplinary qualitative type with a phenomenological approach. The research analyzed the reasoning of Fikih Kebencanaan and its actualization in Covid-19 mitigation, the medical health movement and the reconstruction of fiqh of worship during an emergency in particular, and how to deal with the disaster theologically in general. The results showed that the reasoning of Fikih Kebencanaan was expanded in terms of medical, theological, and educational movements. Medical movement is a health movement in the form of providing 74 Covid-19 Standby Hospitals capable of accommodating 3917 patients or 36.15% of the total number of cases in Indonesia, followed by the distribution of masks, gloves, and foods to 401,209 Covid-19 affected victims. The theological movement was in the form of religious provision in which Muhammadiyah attempted to reconstruct classical Islamic jurisprudence of the rule of worship to adapt to an emergency. In contrast, the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) applied zoning. The educative movement was a preventive effort to counter narration stemming from micro-celebrity Da'i (Islamic preacher) & Influencers (religious preachers) tried to circumvent religious provisions with their viral statements on social media. This effort was realized by developing neuroscience Islamic education with learning media in visualization that combined modern comics and contemporary cartoons with cinematic narratives. The neuroscience Islamic education movement tried not to use the dogmatic-monolithic approach as in classical education.


灾难的教义:从伊斯兰教育-神经科学的角度缓解 covid-19。

Fikih Kebencanaan(应对灾难)是穆罕默迪耶 ijtihad 的产物,旨在应对当代问题,尤其是地质和非地质灾害,后来成为减轻 Covid-19 大流行等健康灾害的规范基础。本研究的范式是具有现象学方法的跨学科定性类型。该研究分析了Fikih Kebencanaan的推理及其在 Covid-19 缓解、医疗健康运动和特别是在紧急情况下重建宗教信仰方面的实施,以及如何从神学上应对灾难。结果表明,Fikih Kebencanaan的推理在医学、神学和教育运动方面得到了扩展。医疗运动是一种健康运动,其形式是提供 74 家 Covid-19 备用医院,能够容纳 3917 名患者,占印度尼西亚病例总数的 36.15%,随后向 401,209 名 Covid-19 患者分发口罩、手套和食品受影响的受害者。神学运动以宗教规定的形式出现,其中穆罕默迪亚试图重建古典伊斯兰教法理学的礼拜规则以适应紧急情况。相比之下,印度尼西亚乌理玛委员会 (MUI) 应用了分区。教育运动是一种预防性的努力,以反驳微名人达伊(伊斯兰教传教士)和 有影响力的人(宗教传教士)试图通过在社交媒体上病毒式传播的言论来规避宗教规定。这一努力是通过将现代漫画和当代卡通与电影叙事相结合的可视化学习媒体发展神经科学伊斯兰教育来实现的。神经科学伊斯兰教育运动试图不使用古典教育中的教条式单一方法。
