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Nonconvex Haar-TV denoising
Digital Signal Processing ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dsp.2020.102855
Yinan Hu , Ivan W. Selesnick

The anisotropic total variation (TV) denoising model suppresses noise for two-dimensional signals that are vertically and horizontally piecewise constant. However, two-dimensional signals may have sparse derivatives in other directions. We propose a modification of the classical anisotropic two-dimensional TV regularizer from a spectral point of view. In the frequency domain, the TV regularizer can be considered as penalizing the high-frequency component of original signals and promoting only low-frequency components. The classical anisotropic TV, which applies l1-norm on vertical and horizontal differences, suppresses high-frequency components of the signals. The proposed operator, named Haar total variation (Haar-TV), penalizes two-dimensional signals that have more varied high-frequency regions. Furthermore, we propose non-convex penalties based on the Haar-TV operator since non-convex penalties can preserve edges and thus enhance the quality of the estimation. We derive a condition that preserves the strong convexity of the total cost function so the global minimizer can be reached.



