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Analysis of the spatial distribution of precipitation and topography with GPM data in the Tibetan Plateau
Atmospheric Research ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105259
Guiping Li , Zhongbo Yu , Weiguang Wang , Qin Ju , Xing Chen

Abstract The topography of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) plays an important role in the formation of the Asian monsoon as well as global climate change. In particular, the water vapor transport patters shows redistribution under the influence of high mountains, which profoundly impacts the landscape of the local and surrounding areas. Based on satellite precipitation data of global precipitation measurements from 2015 to 2018, the influence of the topography on the spatial and temporal distributions of the precipitation in the TP was evaluated. The results show that the precipitation distribution is clearly affected by the topography, and decreases from southeast to northwest. Precipitation mainly concentrates in the southern foothills of the Himalayas. In the hinterland of the TP, the gradient distance increases from southeast to northwest, with value changes from 100 mm / 60 km to 100 mm / 150 km. The maximum annual precipitation height in the windward side of the TP (west of Tianshan Mountains, south of Himalayas, and southwest of Hengduan Mountains) is below 2000 m, while in the northern and inner areas, it exceeds 4000 m. The precipitation isoline in the south and northwest of the TP is consistent with the elevation contour. However, in the northeastern and interior areas, the precipitation isoline is consistent with the orientation of the mountain structural belt.



摘要 青藏高原地形对亚洲季风的形成和全球气候变化具有重要作用。尤其是水汽输送模式在高山影响下呈现重新分布,深刻影响了当地及周边地区的景观。基于2015-2018年全球降水测量的卫星降水数据,评估了地形对青藏高原降水时空分布的影响。结果表明,降水分布受地形影响明显,由东南向西北递减。降水主要集中在喜马拉雅山南麓。在青藏高原腹地,梯度距离由东南向西北增加,值从 100 毫米/60 公里变为 100 毫米/150 公里。青藏高原迎风侧(天山以西、喜马拉雅山以南、横断山脉西南)年降水量最大高度在2000米以下,而在北部和内陆地区则超过4000米。青藏高原南部和西北部降水等值线与等高线一致。但在东北部和内陆地区,降水等值线与山地构造带的走向一致。青藏高原南部和西北部降水等值线与等高线一致。但在东北部和内陆地区,降水等值线与山地构造带的走向一致。青藏高原南部和西北部降水等值线与等高线一致。但在东北部和内陆地区,降水等值线与山地构造带的走向一致。