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Genetic variation and diversity of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.)] genotypes assessed for millet head miner, Heliocheilus albipunctella resistance, in West Africa
Euphytica ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10681-020-02690-y
Riyazaddin Mohammed , Prakash I. Gangashetty , Laouali Karimoune , Niango Malick Ba

Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), the major source of minerals and dietary energy for people living in the semi-arid regions of Sahel, is regularly damaged by millet head miner, Heliocheilus albipunctella. In order to identify the plant-based resistance sources for millet head miner along with high grain Fe and Zn, we have screened forty pearl millet genotypes, using an artificial infestation method. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences in the genotypes tested for head miner resistance. The genotypes Gamoji, ICMP 177001, ICMP 177002, ICMV 177003, ICMV IS 90311, LCIC9702, Souna 3, ICMV IS 94206 and PE08043 exhibited antibiosis resistance mechanism to Heliocheilus albipunctella with appreciable agronomy and grain yield when compared with the susceptible check ICMV IS 92222. The genotypes Faringuero, ICMV 167005, ICMV IS 99001, Sadore local, SOSAT-C88, and ICMP 177004 exhibited tolerance to head miner damage with good per se performance. The genotypes ICMP 177001, ICMP 177002, ICMV 177003, and Moro exhibited resistance to millet head miner and had consistent grain Fe content across seasons (ranging from 44 to 70 ppm). Association between the head miner resistance and morphological traits showed a positive and significant correlation of larval production index (%) with head miner damage (r = 0.59**). Grain Fe and Zn contents exhibited negative association with panicle length and grain yield indicating proper care should be taken in breeding for these traits. Hence, the identified resistance sources can be effectively utilized in breeding head miner resistant pearl millet OPV’s/hybrids, with high grain yield including Fe and Zn concentrations, to overcome the hunger and malnutrition seen in populations living in the semi-arid tropics.


西非珍珠粟 [Pennisetum glaucum (L.)] 基因型的遗传变异和多样性评估对小米头矿工、白纹夜蛾抗性

珍珠粟 (Pennisetum glaucum L.) 是生活在萨赫勒半干旱地区的人们的矿物质和膳食能量的主要来源,经常受到粟头矿工 Heliocheilus albipunctella 的破坏。为了确定小米头矿工以及高粒铁和锌的植物抗性来源,我们使用人工侵染方法筛选了 40 种珍珠粟基因型。方差分析揭示了测试头部矿工抗性的基因型的显着差异。基因型 Gamoji、ICMP 177001、ICMP 177002、ICMV 177003、ICMV IS 90311、LCIC9702、Souna 3、ICMV IS 94206 和 PE08043 与 ICMV2 与 ICMV2 与 ICMV2 与 ICMV22g2 相比,表现出对白口唇线虫的耐药机制。基因型 Faringuero、ICMV 167005、ICMV IS 99001、Sadore local、SOSAT-C88 和 ICMP 177004 表现出对头部矿工损坏的耐受性,并具有良好的本身性能。基因型 ICMP 177001、ICMP 177002、ICMV 177003 和 Moro 对小米头矿工表现出抗性,并且跨季节具有一致的谷物 Fe 含量(范围为 44 至 70 ppm)。头部矿工抗性与形态特征之间的关联显示幼虫生产指数(%)与头部矿工损害(r = 0.59**)呈显着正相关。籽粒 Fe 和 Zn 含量与穗长和籽粒产量呈负相关,表明在育种时应适当注意这些性状。因此,鉴定出的抗性源可以有效地用于培育具有高谷物产量(包括 Fe 和 Zn 浓度)的抗性珍珠粟 OPV/杂交种,