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JCoffee: Using Compiler Feedback to Make Partial Code Snippets Compilable
arXiv - CS - Programming Languages Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: arxiv-2009.05090
Piyush Gupta, Nikita Mehrotra, Rahul Purandare

Static program analysis tools are often required to work with only a small part of a program's source code, either due to the unavailability of the entire program or the lack of need to analyze the complete code. This makes it challenging to use static analysis tools that require a complete and typed intermediate representation (IR). We present JCoffee, a tool that leverages compiler feedback to convert partial Java programs into their compilable counterparts by simulating the presence of missing surrounding code. It works with any well-typed code snippet (class, function, or even an unenclosed group of statements) while making minimal changes to the input code fragment. A demo of the tool is available here: https://youtu.be/O4h2g_n2Qls



由于整个程序不可用或不需要分析完整代码,静态程序分析工具通常只需要处理程序源代码的一小部分。这使得使用需要完整和类型化中间表示 (IR) 的静态分析工具变得具有挑战性。我们展示了 JCoffee,这是一种工具,它利用编译器反馈通过模拟缺少周围代码的存在将部分 Java 程序转换为其可编译的对应程序。它适用于任何类型良好的代码片段(类、函数,甚至是一组未封闭的语句),同时对输入代码片段进行最少的更改。该工具的演示可在此处获得:https://youtu.be/O4h2g_n2Qls