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Simphony: An open-source photonic integrated circuit simulation framework
arXiv - CS - Emerging Technologies Pub Date : 2020-07-23 , DOI: arxiv-2009.05146
Sequoia Ploeg, Hyrum Gunther, and Ryan M. Camacho

We present Simphony, a free and open-source software toolbox for abstracting and simulating photonic integrated circuits, implemented in Python. The toolbox is both fast and easily extensible; plugins can be written to provide compatibility with existing layout tools, and device libraries can be easily created without a deep knowledge of programming. We include several examples of photonic circuit simulations with novel features and demonstrate a speedup of more than 20x over a leading commercially available software tool.



我们展示了 Simphony,这是一个免费的开源软件工具箱,用于抽象和模拟光子集成电路,用 Python 实现。该工具箱既快速又易于扩展;可以编写插件以提供与现有布局工具的兼容性,并且无需深入的编程知识即可轻松创建设备库。我们提供了几个具有新颖功能的光子电路仿真示例,并展示了比领先的商用软件工具快 20 倍以上的速度。