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Circuit modularization of quantum optical systems
Physical Review Applied ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 
Yaakov Lumer, Nader Engheta

Quantum optics and nano-photonics are the basis of future communications and computation technologies. Thus, there is an ever-increasing need for analysis and design tools that are suitable for large, complex and multi-element systems. However, full quantum analysis of systems requires writing the full quantum Hamiltonian, which is usually possible only in simple cases that are easy to analyze analytically, and especially difficult when the system contains dispersive and dissipative elements. Here we use circuit theory to modularize the modeling of the quantum Hamiltonian, and therefore the entire quantum system. We use the notion of optical metatronics – circuit analogue for nanophotonic structures – to model our photonic system as an electronic circuit, and show how each coupling term in the Hamiltonian can be written using classical equivalent circuits. Thus, the quantum interaction term between any two elements can be analyzed, designed and optimized using the vast library of circuit engineering tools, which by their very nature enable the design of complex, multi-element realistic systems. Our work generalizes the current theoretical treatment of quantized nano-photonic systems, paving the way for a systemic, modularized modeling of large scale systems. *Present address: Department of Physics, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Corresponding author: engheta@ee.upenn.edu …



量子光学和纳米光子学是未来通信和计算技术的基础。因此,对适用于大型,复杂和多元素系统的分析和设计工具的需求日益增长。但是,对系统进行全量子分析需要编写全量子哈密顿量,这通常仅在简单的情况下才可行,这些简单情况易于分析,特别是当系统包含色散和耗散元素时尤其困难。在这里,我们使用电路理论对量子哈密顿量的建模进行模块化,从而对整个量子系统进行模块化。我们使用光学超电子学的概念-用于纳米光子结构的电路模拟-将我们的光子系统建模为电子电路,并说明如何使用经典的等效电路来写哈密顿量中的每个耦合项。因此,可以使用庞大的电路工程工具库来分析,设计和优化任意两个元素之间的量子相互作用项,就其本质而言,它们可以设计复杂的多元素现实系统。我们的工作概括了量化纳米光子系统的当前理论处理方法,为大规模系统的系统化,模块化建模铺平了道路。*当前地址:以色列海法以色列理工学院物理系,通讯作者:engheta@ee.upenn.edu… 从本质上讲,这使得设计复杂的多元素现实系统成为可能。我们的工作概括了量化纳米光子系统的当前理论处理方法,为大规模系统的系统化,模块化建模铺平了道路。*当前地址:以色列海法以色列理工学院物理系,通讯作者:engheta@ee.upenn.edu… 从本质上讲,这使得设计复杂的,多元素的现实系统成为可能。我们的工作概括了量化纳米光子系统的当前理论处理方法,为大规模系统的系统化,模块化建模铺平了道路。*当前地址:以色列海法以色列理工学院物理系,通讯作者:engheta@ee.upenn.edu…