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Leucism and updated geographic distribution of Molossus nigricans Miller, 1902 (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in Honduras
Mammalia ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-27 , DOI: 10.1515/mammalia-2019-0153
Wilson Gómez-Corea 1, 2, 3 , Jonathan Hernández 3, 4 , Cristopher Antúnez-Fonseca 5, 6 , David Mejía-Quintanilla 3, 7 , Hermes Vega 8, 9

Abstract We present the first record of leucism of Molossus nigricans a chromatic disorder rarely documented in mammals of Honduras, as well as species’ biological and ecological information. In addition, we present the currently known distribution and altitudinal range of M. nigricans in Honduras, based on acoustic records, opportunistic findings and previous records. We confirm the presence of M. nigricans in sixteen departments of which four are new departmental records.


1902 年,洪都拉斯黑腹黑鲟(Molossus nigricans Miller)的白化和更新的地理分布(Chiroptera:Molossidae)

摘要 我们首次记录了在洪都拉斯哺乳动物中很少记录的一种色素紊乱的黑纹黑斑线虫白化病,以及物种的生物和生态信息。此外,我们根据声学记录、机会主义发现和以前的记录,介绍了洪都拉斯目前已知的 M. nigricans 分布和海拔范围。我们确认在 16 个部门中存在 M. nigricans,其中 4 个是新的部门记录。