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Quantification of Biologically Fixed Nitrogen by White Lupin (Lupins albus L.) and Its Subsequent Uptake by Winter Wheat Using the 15N Isotope Dilution Method
Agronomy ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-14 , DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10091392
Stanisław Kalembasa , Jerzy Szukała , Agnieszka Faligowska , Dorota Kalembasa , Barbara Symanowicz , Marcin Becher , Beata Gebus-Czupyt

A field experiment was carried out in 2016–2018 in a white lupin (Lupinus albus L.)-winter wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. ‘Bogatka’) crop rotation. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of nitrogen (N) that was biologically fixed by the white lupin crop in the first year of the rotation and to estimate how much of this N was then taken up from the lupin residues by winter wheat in the second and third years of the rotation. Biologically fixed N was determined by the isotope-dilution method (ID15N) by applying 30 kg N ha−1 of 15N-labeled fertilizer (15NH4)2SO4 (containing 20.1 at.% 15N) to the white lupin and the reference plant spring wheat. The yields of white lupin seeds and crop residues were 3.92 t ha1 and 4.30 t ha−1, respectively. The total amount of N in the white lupin biomass was 243.2 kg ha−1, which included 209.3 kg ha−1 in the seeds and 33.9 kg ha−1 in the residues. The 15N-labeled residue of white lupin was cut and ploughed into soil. Our results indicate that 111.2 kg N ha−1 was fixed from the atmosphere by the lupin plants, with 93.7 kg ha−1 found in the seeds and 17.5 kg ha−1 in the residues. In the second and third years of the rotation when winter wheat was cultivated, the plots were divided into two groups of subplots (1) without N-fertilization (control) and (2) with an application of 100 kg N ha−1. In the first year of winter wheat cultivation, 20.0% and 21.0% of N from the crop residues was taken up by the control and N-fertilization plots, respectively, while in the second year, uptake was lower at 7.12% and 9.27% in the control and N-fertilized plots, respectively.


用15N同位素稀释法定量测定白羽扇豆(Lupins albus L.)的生物固定氮及其随后被冬小麦吸收的氮。

田间试验在2016年至2018年在白羽扇豆进行(白羽扇豆L;) -冬小麦(普通小麦栽培品种“Bogatka”。)轮作。这项研究的目的是确定轮作第一年白羽扇豆作物生物固定的氮含量,并估算冬小麦从羽扇豆残留物中吸收了多少氮。在轮换的第二年和第三年。通过同位素稀释法(ID 15 N),通过施用30 kg N ha -115 N标记的肥料(15 NH 42 SO 4(含20.1 at。%15 N)到白色羽扇豆和参考植物春小麦。的白羽扇豆种子和作物残余物的产率分别为3.92吨公顷- 1和4.30吨公顷-1,分别。白色羽扇豆生物量中的N总量为243.2 kg ha -1,其中种子中209.3 kg ha -1,残留物中33.9 kg ha -1。的15白羽扇豆的N-标记的残余物切割和犁入土壤中。我们的结果表明,羽扇豆植物从大气中固定了111.2 kg N ha -1,在种子中发现93.7 kg ha -1,在种子中发现17.5 kg ha -1在残留物中。在轮作的第二年和第三年,种植冬小麦时,将田地分为两组,分别为(1)无氮肥(对照)和(2)100 kg N ha -1。冬小麦种植的第一年,对照和氮肥田地分别吸收了作物残渣中的N 20.0%和21.0%,而第二年中,其吸收量降低到7.12%和9.27%。对照图和受精图。