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Intra‐puparial development in the hoverflies Eristalinus aeneus and Eristalis tenax (Diptera: Syrphidae)
Journal of Morphology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-14 , DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21257
Andrés Campoy 1 , Celeste Pérez-Bañón 1 , Santos Rojo 1

The intra‐puparial development of 150 pupae of Eristalinus aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) and Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus, 1758) was analyzed. Individuals were obtained from the sixth laboratory generation kept under artificial rearing conditions at the facilities of the University of Alicante (Spain). The experiment was conducted at 25 ± 1°C temperature, 50 ± 5% relative humidity, and 12:12 hr (L:D) of photoperiod. Groups of 10 pupae were collected every 6 hr over 48 hr, after that period, pupae were collected daily until the adult emergence. They were fixed in 5% formic acid and preserved in 70% ethanol. Fixed pupae were dissected and photographed. The chronology and morphological changes that take place during the intra‐puparial development in both species were analyzed and compared. Five phases were observed: prepupa, before 6 hr; cryptocephalic pupa, between 6 and 24 hr; phanerocephalic pupa, between 24 and 30 hr; pharate adult, after 30 hr; and the adult imago, restricted to the very end of the development process just before adult emergence. In total, the intra‐puparial development lasted 189 ± 4 hr in E. aeneus and 192 ± 3 hr in E. tenax, with the pharate adult the longest phase (some 81% of the total developmental time). These data can be used to develop accurate cold storage protocols during artificial rearing of both pollinator species, avoiding critical events during the development and increasing survival.


食蚜蝇 Eristalius aeneus 和 Eristalis tenax(双翅目:Syrphidae)的蛹内发育

分析了 Eristalius aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) 和 Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus, 1758) 150 只蛹的蛹内发育。个体来自在阿利坎特大学(西班牙)的设施中人工饲养条件下的第六代实验室。实验在 25±1°C 的温度、50±5% 的相对湿度和 12:12 小时 (L:D) 的光周期下进行。在 48 小时内每 6 小时收集 10 只蛹,此后每天收集蛹直到成虫出现。将它们固定在 5% 的甲酸中并保存在 70% 的乙醇中。解剖固定的蛹并拍照。分析和比较了两个物种在蛹内发育过程中发生的年代学和形态学变化。观察到五个阶段:预蛹,6 小时前;隐头蛹,6 到 24 小时之间;phanerocephalic 蛹,在 24 和 30 小时之间;pharate 成人,30 小时后;和成虫成虫,仅限于成虫出现前发育过程的最后阶段。总的来说,E. aeneus 的蛹内发育持续了 189 ± 4 小时,E. tenax 的蛹内发育持续了 192 ± 3 小时,其中 pharate 成虫的阶段最长(约占总发育时间的 81%)。这些数据可用于在两种传粉媒介物种的人工饲养过程中制定准确的冷藏协议,避免发育过程中的关键事件并提高存活率。aeneus 和 192 ± 3 小时在 E. tenax,与 pharate 成虫最长阶段(总发育时间的约 81%)。这些数据可用于在两种传粉媒介物种的人工饲养过程中制定准确的冷藏协议,避免发育过程中的关键事件并提高存活率。aeneus 和 192 ± 3 小时在 E. tenax,与 pharate 成虫最长阶段(总发育时间的约 81%)。这些数据可用于在两种传粉媒介物种的人工饲养过程中制定准确的冷藏协议,避免发育过程中的关键事件并提高存活率。