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Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-13 , DOI: 10.1111/jpn.13355

Shi, B. et al. 2019: L‐carnitine and fat type in the maternal diet during gestation and lactation modify the fatty acid composition and expression of lipid metabolism‐related genes in piglets. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 103(4), 1207–1217. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpn.13099

Table 5 on page 6 and Table 6 on page 7 are duplicates. The correct Table 5 and Table 6 have been provided by the authors below. The error does not affect the results or conclusions of the article. The authors apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank the reader who alerted the journal to this error.

The correct Tables 5 and 6 are displayed below:

TABLE 5. Effect of supplementation with different fat types and L‐carnitine during late gestation and lactation on the fatty acid composition of plasma in piglets (g/100 g total fatty acid)
L‐carnitinea a The L‐carnitine‐supplemented mg/kg diet.
SO FO SEM p‐valueb b The p‐value represents the main effect of fat, the main effect of L‐carnitine and the interaction of fat and L‐carnitine.
0 100 0 100 Fat L‐carnitine Fat×L‐carnitine
Total SFA 49.78 49.33 52.35 51.50 0.62 .06 .60 .87
Total MUFA 18.86 19.62 19.76 18.81 0.38 .58 .62 .66
C14:1 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.01 .52 .62 .59
C16:1 3.20 4.11 3.98 3.98 0.28 .59 .45 .45
C17:1 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.01 .83 .83 .89
C18:1n9c 12.70 12.59 11.95 11.92 0.21 .11 .88 .92
C20:1 2.46 2.42 2.34 2.41 0.10 .75 .95 .79
C22:1n9 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.001 <.001 .80 .89
Total PUFA 31.16 31.05 28.89 29.69 0.69 .22 .81 .75
n‐6 PUFA 27.45 27.03 19.04 19.67 1.07 <.001 .94 .72
C18:2n6c 22.62 21.41 15.82 16.38 0.93 <.001 .90 .78
C18:3n6 0.21 0.22 0.16 0.15 0.01 <.001 .88 .40
C20:2n6 0.29 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.01 .26 .32 .58
C20:3n6 0.30 0.33 0.19 0.21 0.01 <.001 .05 .75
C20:4n6 4.03 3.77 2.55 2.61 0.18 <.001 .68 .51
n‐3 PUFA 3.71 4.02 9.85 10.02 0.64 <.001 .23 .72
C18:3n3 0.87 0.83 0.49 0.47 0.04 <.001 .56 .85
C20:3n3 0.11 0.11 0.32 0.33 0.02 <.001 .56 .98
C20:5n3 0.51 0.57 4.93 4.99 0.46 <.001 .54 .98
C22:6n3 2.22 2.51 4.11 4.23 0.20 <.001 .07 .46
n‐6/n‐3 7.38 6.82 1.95 1.97 0.56 <.001 .45 .42
  • Abbreviations: FO, fish oil; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; SFA, saturated fatty acids; SO, soybean oil.
  • a The L‐carnitine‐supplemented mg/kg diet.
  • b The p‐value represents the main effect of fat, the main effect of L‐carnitine and the interaction of fat and L‐carnitine.
TABLE 6. Effect of supplementation with different fat types and L‐carnitine during late gestation and lactation on the fatty acid compositions of liver in piglets (g/100 g total fatty acid)
L‐carnitinea a The L‐carnitine‐supplemented mg/kg diet.
SO FO SEM p‐valueb b The p‐value represents the main effect of fat, the main effect of L‐carnitine and the interaction of fat and L‐carnitine.
0 100 0 100 Fat L‐carnitine Fat×L‐carnitine
Total SFA 51.53 51.88 51.15 51.37 0.48 .662 .78 .95
Total MUFA 11.90 11.54 12.25 12.30 0.21 .211 .73 .64
C14:1 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.003 .61 .41 .19
C16:1 1.55 1.55 2.01 2.05 0.06 <.001 .75 .74
C17:1 0.18 0.17 0.09 0.09 0.01 <.001 .98 .59
C18:1n9c 9.31 8.99 9.37 9.35 0.20 .63 .70 .73
C20:1 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.17 0.01 .31 .73 .59
C22:1n9 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.02 .746 .90 .90
C24:1 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.002 .09 .28 .66
Total PUFA 36.57 36.58 36.60 36.33 0.45 .913 .89 .89
n‐6 PUFA 32.28 32.16 23.33 23.12 1.04 <.001 .87 .96
C18:2n6c 19.11 19.57 11.41 11.73 0.91 <.001 .66 .94
C18:3n6 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.13 0.007 .39 .27 .91
C20:2n6 0.45 0.43 0.23 0.23 0.02 <.001 .79 .51
C20:3n6 0.79 0.80 0.46 0.45 0.05 .001 .99 .95
C20:4n6 11.76 11.21 11.09 10.57 0.18 .06 .12 .97
n‐3PUFA 4.30 4.41 13.27 13.21 0.94 <.001 .94 .81
C18:3n3 0.61 0.55 0.39 0.37 0.04 .03 .63 .82
C20:3n3 0.07 0.07 0.13 0.13 0.006 <.001 .82 .88
C20:5n3 0.49 0.50 4.07 4.00 0.39 <.001 .91 .86
C22:6n3 3.13 3.29 8.69 8.72 0.58 <.001 .65 .78
n‐6/n‐3 7.59 7.39 1.76 1.78 0.62 <.001 .78 .75
  • Abbreviations: FO, fish oil; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; SFA, saturated fatty acids; SO, soybean oil.
  • a The L‐carnitine‐supplemented mg/kg diet.
  • b The p‐value represents the main effect of fat, the main effect of L‐carnitine and the interaction of fat and L‐carnitine.

The authors apologise for the error.






表5.妊娠后期和哺乳期补充不同类型的脂肪和左旋肉碱对仔猪血浆脂肪酸组成的影响(g / 100 g总脂肪酸)
左旋肉碱a 一个 的L-肉碱补充的毫克/公斤的饮食。
所以 FO 扫描电镜 pb b p -值表示的脂肪的主要效果,L-肉碱的主要作用和脂肪和L-肉碱的相互作用。
0 100 0 100 脂肪 左旋肉碱 脂肪×左旋肉碱
总实用面积 49.78 49.33 52.35 51.50 0.62 .06 .60 .87
总MUFA 18.86 19.62 19.76 18.81 0.38 .58 .62 .66
C14:1 0.21 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.01 .52 .62 .59
C16:1 3.20 4.11 3.98 3.98 0.28 .59 .45 .45
C17:1 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.01 .83 .83 .89
C18:1n9c 12.70 12.59 11.95 11.92 0.21 .11 .88 .92
C20:1 2.46 2.42 2.34 2.41 0.10 .75 .95 .79
C22:1n9 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.001 <.001 .80 .89
总PUFA 31.16 31.05 28.89 29.69 0.69 .22 .81 .75
n-6 PUFA 27.45 27.03 19.04 19.67 1.07 <.001 .94 .72
C18:2n6c 22.62 21.41 15.82 16.38 0.93 <.001 .90 .78
C18:3n6 0.21 0.22 0.16 0.15 0.01 <.001 .88 .40
C20:2n6 0.29 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.01 .26 .32 .58
C20:3n6 0.30 0.33 0.19 0.21 0.01 <.001 .05 .75
C20:4n6 4.03 3.77 2.55 2.61 0.18 <.001 .68 .51
n-3 PUFA 3.71 4.02 9.85 10.02 0.64 <.001 .23 .72
C18:3n3 0.87 0.83 0.49 0.47 0.04 <.001 .56 .85
C20:3n3 0.11 0.11 0.32 0.33 0.02 <.001 .56 .98
C20:5n3 0.51 0.57 4.93 4.99 0.46 <.001 .54 .98
C22:6n3 2.22 2.51 4.11 4.23 0.20 <.001 .07 .46
n-6 / n-3 7.38 6.82 1.95 1.97 0.56 <.001 .45 .42
  • 缩写:FO,鱼油;MUFA,单不饱和脂肪酸;PUFA,多不饱和脂肪酸;SFA,饱和脂肪酸;因此,大豆油。
  • 一个 的L-肉碱补充的毫克/公斤的饮食。
  • b p -值表示的脂肪的主要效果,L-肉碱的主要作用和脂肪和L-肉碱的相互作用。
表6.妊娠后期和哺乳期补充不同类型的脂肪和左旋肉碱对仔猪肝脏脂肪酸组成的影响(g / 100 g总脂肪酸)
左旋肉碱a 一个 的L-肉碱补充的毫克/公斤的饮食。
所以 FO 扫描电镜 pb b p -值表示的脂肪的主要效果,L-肉碱的主要作用和脂肪和L-肉碱的相互作用。
0 100 0 100 脂肪 左旋肉碱 脂肪×左旋肉碱
总实用面积 51.53 51.88 51.15 51.37 0.48 .662 .78 .95
总MUFA 11.90 11.54 12.25 12.30 0.21 .211 .73 .64
C14:1 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.003 .61 .41 .19
C16:1 1.55 1.55 2.01 2.05 0.06 <.001 .75 .74
C17:1 0.18 0.17 0.09 0.09 0.01 <.001 .98 .59
C18:1n9c 9.31 8.99 9.37 9.35 0.20 .63 .70 .73
C20:1 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.17 0.01 .31 .73 .59
C22:1n9 0.48 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.02 .746 .90 .90
C24:1 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.002 .09 .28 .66
总PUFA 36.57 36.58 36.60 36.33 0.45 .913 .89 .89
n-6 PUFA 32.28 32.16 23.33 23.12 1.04 <.001 .87 .96
C18:2n6c 19.11 19.57 11.41 11.73 0.91 <.001 .66 .94
C18:3n6 0.16 0.15 0.15 0.13 0.007 .39 .27 .91
C20:2n6 0.45 0.43 0.23 0.23 0.02 <.001 .79 .51
C20:3n6 0.79 0.80 0.46 0.45 0.05 .001 .99 .95
C20:4n6 11.76 11.21 11.09 10.57 0.18 .06 .12 .97
n-3PUFA 4.30 4.41 13.27 13.21 0.94 <.001 .94 .81
C18:3n3 0.61 0.55 0.39 0.37 0.04 .03 .63 .82
C20:3n3 0.07 0.07 0.13 0.13 0.006 <.001 .82 .88
C20:5n3 0.49 0.50 4.07 4.00 0.39 <.001 .91 .86
C22:6n3 3.13 3.29 8.69 8.72 0.58 <.001 .65 .78
n-6 / n-3 7.59 7.39 1.76 1.78 0.62 <.001 .78 .75
  • 缩写:FO,鱼油;MUFA,单不饱和脂肪酸;PUFA,多不饱和脂肪酸;SFA,饱和脂肪酸;因此,大豆油。
  • 一个 的L-肉碱补充的毫克/公斤的饮食。
  • b p -值表示的脂肪的主要效果,L-肉碱的主要作用和脂肪和L-肉碱的相互作用。

