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How rural is too rural for transit? Optimal transit subsidies and supply in rural areas
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.899 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2020.102859
Maria Börjesson , Chau Man Fung , Stef Proost

Abstract The optimal supply of rail and bus in low density areas is studied by calibrating a demand and supply model with three modes (car, bus and rail) to an existing low density corridor. Varying the length of the network, the frequencies and the size of the populations, allows to study the trade-off between the consumer surplus losses of the public transport users and the transit operation and maintenance costs savings. We find that for an existing rail network, the optimization of frequency is the prime source of welfare gains. The rail network is marginally beneficial in the sense that keeping the network is welfare improving as long as there is no major repair or replacement investment needed. When population in the smaller towns decreases strongly, it becomes welfare improving to close the existing rail network but a bus service remains beneficial for at least part of the network.



摘要 通过对现有低密度走廊的三种模式(汽车、公共汽车和铁路)的供需模型进行校准,研究低密度地区铁路和公共汽车的最优供给。改变网络的长度、频率和人口规模,可以研究公共交通用户的消费者剩余损失与公共交通运营和维护成本节约之间的权衡。我们发现,对于现有的铁路网络,频率的优化是福利收益的主要来源。从某种意义上说,只要不需要大修或更换投资,保持铁路网络就能改善福利,铁路网络是微不足道的。当小城镇的人口急剧减少时,