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Estimate of Time Needed for a Coordinate of a Bernoulli Scheme to Fall into the First Column of a Young Tableau
Functional Analysis and Its Applications ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-14 , DOI: 10.1134/s0016266320020069
I. F. Azangulov , G. V. Ovechkin

The paper considers the classical Bernoulli scheme, that is, a sequence of independent random variables identically distributed with respect to the Lebesgue measure m on the interval [0,1]. The space of realizations of this scheme is the infinite-dimensional cube \({\mathcal{X}} = ({[0,1]^{\mathbb{N}}},\mu )\) with Lebesgue measure μ = m. It is proved that there exists a function k(·): (0, 1) → ℝ (which can be defined by k(ε) = C/μ5) such that, given any n ∈ ℕ and ε ∈ (0, 1), one can choose a measurable set \({{\mathcal{X}}_{n,\varepsilon }} \subset {\mathcal{X}}\) of measure at least 1 − ε so that the coordinate xn of any realization \(x = {{\rm{\{ }}{x_n}{\rm{\} }}_n} \in {{\mathcal{X}}_{n,\varepsilon }}\) reaches the first column of the Young P-tableau after at most k(ε)n2 insertions of the RSK (Robinson-Schensted-Knuth) algorithm.



本文考虑了经典的伯努利方案,即相对于Lebesgue测度m在[0,1]区间上相同分布的一系列独立随机变量。该方案的实现空间是无穷多维立方体\({\ mathcal {X}} =({[0,1] ^ {\ mathbb {N}}},\ mu)\),Lebesgue测度μ =。证明了存在一个函数ķ(·):(0,1)→ℝ(其可以定义为ķε)= C /μ 5)使得在给定的任何Ñ ∈ℕ和ε∈(0, 1),可以选择一个可测量的集合\({{\ mathcal {X}} _ {n,\ varepsilon}} \ subset {\ mathcal {X}} \)测量至少1 −ε,以便任何实现的坐标x n \(x = {{\ rm {\ {}} {x_n} {\ rm {\}}} _ n} \ in {{\ mathcal {X }} _ {n,\ varepsilon}} \)最多插入RSK(Robinson-Schensted-Knuth)算法的kεn 2次插入后,到达Young P表的第一列。
