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Performance Analysis of 2 in 1 Parabolic Trough Collector for Both Hot Water and Hot Air Production for Domestic Household Applications
Applied Solar Energy Pub Date : 2020-03-19 , DOI: 10.3103/s0003701x19060069
T. Prem Kumar , C. Naveen , M. Premalatha


Parabolic trough collectors (PTC) are solar thermal energy collectors designed to capture the sun’s direct radiation over aperture area and concentrate it onto a focal point. Parabolic shaped mirrors are used to focus the solar radiation on the pipe that carries water to heat it. The concentrated heat from the parabolic collector heats up the water and helps in producing hot water which can be used domestically. Drying is one of the important and energy consuming processes. Especially foragricultural product processing open yard drying is widely adapted, without proper hygienic condition. The presently designed cost effective two in one PTC setupcanheat water and air simultaneously. In the box shaped structure the hot water isgenerated at the top of the box. The unused absorbed heat on the collector is used to heat the air which is passed via bottom chambers. As a result, hot water (60°C) and hot air (45°C) can be obtained which is used mainly for heating purpose. Manual tracking type of design is chosen for cost effectiveness and simplicity in structure. This Combined water and air heating design improves the total efficiency of the system up to 4.3% when compared with the conventional PTC design. In addition, the emission reduction of 1 kg of CO2/day can be achieved and simple payback period is 2 years when compared to electric heaters which can be easily affordable by common man.



