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COVID-19: responsibility and accountability in a world of rationing
Journal of Law and the Biosciences ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-12 , DOI: 10.1093/jlb/lsaa076
Robert H Jerry II 1

The COVID-19 pandemic is the first modern public health crisis with the potential to overwhelm the public health care system. When rationing of services, drugs, and equipment must occur, health care providers have a responsibility to make rationing decisions fairly, both procedurally and substantively. In addition, health care providers, like all professionals, are accountable for their decisions. The legal standard of care requires providers to exercise the skill and knowledge normally possessed by providers in good standing in the same field or class of practice acting in the same or similar circumstances. But making rationing decisions in crisis conditions, like those created by COVID-19, is not the same as or similar to decision making in non-crisis conditions. Thus, the standard of care, properly applied, expects less of providers practicing under the stress of COVID-19’s triage conditions. Because many health care providers do not perceive this is true, and for pragmatic and normative reasons, policymakers should articulate rules limiting providers’ liability for rationing decisions—as well as other acts and omissions—occurring in and attendant to crisis conditions. These rules should not, however, create absolute immunities. As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, more states are embracing this approach.



COVID-19大流行是第一个现代公共卫生危机,有可能使公共卫生保健系统不堪重负。当必须进行服务,药品和设备的配给时,医疗保健提供者有责任在程序上和实质上公平地做出配给决定。另外,像所有专业人员一样,医疗保健提供者也要对他们的决定负责。法律上的谨慎标准要求服务提供者行使在相同或相似情况下从事相同领域或业务类别中信誉良好的服务提供者通常拥有的技能和知识。但是,在危机条件下做出配给决策(例如由COVID-19创建的决策)与在非危机条件下做出的决策不同。因此,适当应用的护理标准 期望更少的提供者在COVID-19分流条件的压力下进行练习。由于许多医疗保健提供者并不认为这是真的,并且出于务实和规范的原因,决策者应明确制定规则,限制提供者在发生危机时以及随之而来的配给决策以及其他作为和不作为的责任。但是,这些规则不应构成绝对豁免权。随着COVID-19大流行的蔓延,越来越多的州开始采用这种方法。但是,要创造绝对的豁免权。随着COVID-19大流行的蔓延,越来越多的州开始采用这种方法。但是,要创造绝对的豁免权。随着COVID-19大流行的蔓延,越来越多的州开始采用这种方法。