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Applying dental microwear texture analysis to the living: Challenges and prospects
American Journal of Physical Anthropology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-13 , DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.24133
Maria Ana Correia 1 , Robert Foley 1, 2 , Marta Mirazón Lahr 1, 2

The food that people and animals consume leaves microscopic traces on teeth in predictable ways, and analyses of these markings—known as dental microwear analyses—allow us to reverse engineer the characteristics of diet. However, the microwear features of modern human diets are most often interpreted through the lens of ethnographic records. Given the subtle variation within human diets when compared to other species, we need better models of how foods and processing techniques produce marks on teeth. Here, we report on the second study to target the occlusal surface microwear of living human populations, and the first to target populations other than foragers.


