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Response of the mollusc communities to environmental factors along an anthropogenic salinity gradient
The Science of Nature ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s00114-019-1655-4
Agnieszka Sowa , Mariola Krodkiewska , Dariusz Halabowski , Iga Lewin

Anthropogenic salinisation of freshwater ecosystems is frequent across the world. The scale of this phenomenon remains unrecognised, and therefore, monitoring and management of such ecosystems is very important. We conducted a study on the mollusc communities in inland anthropogenic ponds covering a large gradient of salinity located in an area of underground coal mining activity. A total of 14 gastropod and 6 bivalve species were noted. No molluscs were found in waters with total dissolved solids (TDS) higher than 17.1 g L−1. The share of alien species in the communities was very high in waters with elevated salinity and significantly lower in the freshwaters. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that TDS, pH, alkalinity, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, iron, the content of organic matter in sediments, the type of substrate and the content of sand and gravel in sediments were the variables that were significantly associated with the distribution of molluscs. The regression analysis revealed that total mollusc density was positively related to alkalinity and negatively related to nitrate nitrogen. The taxa richness was negatively related to TDS, which is consistent with previous studies which indicated that a high salinity level is a significant threat to freshwater malacofauna, causing a loss of biodiversity and contributing to the colonisation and establishment of alien species in aquatic ecosystems.



在世界范围内,淡水生态系统的人为盐碱化现象屡见不鲜。这种现象的规模尚未得到认识,因此,对此类生态系统的监测和管理非常重要。我们对位于地下煤炭开采活动区的内陆人为池塘中覆盖较大盐度梯度的软体动物群落进行了研究。总共记录了14种腹足类和6种双壳类。在总溶解固体(TDS)高于17.1 g L -1的水中未发现软体动物。在盐度升高的水域中,外来物种在社区中所占的比例很高,而在淡水中则显着降低。典型对应分析(CCA)表明,TDS,pH,碱度,硝酸盐氮,铵态氮,铁,沉积物中有机物的含量,底物类型以及沉积物中沙砾的含量是显着相关的变量与软体动物的分布。回归分析表明,总软体动物密度与碱度呈正相关,与硝酸盐氮呈负相关。分类单元的丰富度与TDS呈负相关,这与先前的研究一致,后者表明高盐度水平是对淡水疟疾动物的重大威胁,