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Science and Values in Undergraduate Education
Science & Education ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s11191-019-00093-7
Edwin Koster , Henk W. de Regt

While a conception of science as value free has been dominant since Max Weber defended it in the nineteenth century, recent years have witnessed an emerging consensus that science is not – and cannot be – completely free of values. Which values may legitimately influence science, and in which ways, is currently a topic of heated debate in philosophy of science. These discussions have immediate relevance for science teaching: if the value-free ideal of science is misguided, science students should abandon it too and learn to reflect on the relation between science and values – only then can they become responsible academics and citizens. Since science students will plausibly become scientists, scientific practitioners, or academic professionals, and their values will influence their future professional activities, it is essential that they are aware of these values and are able to critically reflect upon their role. In this paper, we investigate ways in which reflection on science and values can be incorporated in undergraduate science education. In particular, we discuss how recent philosophical insights about science and values can be used in courses for students in the life sciences, and we present a specific learning model – the so-called the Dilemma-Oriented Learning Model (DOLM) – that allows students to articulate their own values and to reflect upon them.



虽然自 19 世纪马克斯·韦伯 (Max Weber) 为其辩护以来,科学作为价值自由的概念一直占主导地位,但近年来出现了一种新的共识,即科学不是——也不可能——完全没有价值。哪些价值观可以合法地影响科学,以何种方式影响科学,是目前科学哲学中激烈争论的话题。这些讨论与科学教学直接相关:如果科学的无价值理想被误导,理科学生也应该放弃它,学会反思科学与价值之间的关系——只有这样他们才能成为负责任的学者和公民。由于理科学生可能会成为科学家、科学从业者或学术专业人士,他们的价值观将影响他们未来的职业活动,他们必须了解这些价值观并能够批判性地反思自己的作用。在本文中,我们调查了如何将科学和价值观的反思纳入本科科学教育。特别是,我们讨论了如何在生命科学专业的学生课程中使用最近关于科学和价值观的哲学见解,并提出了一个特定的学习模型——所谓的面向困境的学习模型 (DOLM)——允许学生表达自己的价值观并对其进行反思。