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Egg overspray with herbicides and fungicides reduces survival of red-legged partridge chicks.
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c04203
Manuel E Ortiz-Santaliestra 1 , Vicente Alcaide 2 , Pablo R Camarero 1 , Rafael Mateo 1 , François Mougeot 1

Within the environmental risk assessment conducted for pesticide registration in the European Union (EU), avian reproductive toxicity is characterized after exposing adults. However, eggs of ground-nesting species can be exposed when pesticide applications occur during laying or incubation. We simulated environmentally realistic exposure of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) eggs to an herbicide (2,4-D) and a fungicide (tebuconazole) applied to winter cereal crops during the breeding season of most farmland birds. We analyzed the effects on hatching success, offspring survival, and physiology. Exposure by overspray led to greater pesticide accumulation in the eggshell or content than exposure through contact with treated soil (3.1–13.7 times higher, depending on the pesticide and target sample). Egg overspray with tebuconazole significantly increased chick mortality, which was 26% higher than that of controls. 2,4-D caused a similar but a close to significant increase (chick mortality 24% higher than controls). Exposure to either pesticide through contact with treated soils did not affect chick survival but altered some biochemical parameters posthatching. Our experiment shows that egg spraying with pesticides should be considered as a relevant exposure scenario in risk assessment procedures, given its potential to affect the reproductive success of ground-nesting farmland birds.



在欧洲联盟(EU)进行的农药注册环境风险评估中,成人暴露后禽类生殖毒性具有特征。但是,在产蛋或孵化过程中使用农药时,可以暴露地面嵌套物种的卵。我们模拟了红脚part(Alectoris rufa),在大多数农田鸟类的繁殖季节,将鸡蛋除草剂(2,4-D)和杀真菌剂(戊唑醇)施用到冬季谷物作物上。我们分析了对孵化成功,后代存活和生理的影响。与通过接触处理过的土壤接触相比,过量喷涂导致的农药在蛋壳或内含物中的积累更大(取决于农药和目标样品的暴露高3.1-13.7倍)。用戊唑醇过量喷洒鸡蛋可显着提高雏鸡死亡率,比对照组高26%。2,4-D引起相似但几乎显着的增加(小鸡死亡率比对照组高24%)。通过与处理过的土壤接触而暴露于任何一种农药均不会影响雏鸡的存活率,但会改变孵化后的一些生化参数。