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Addressing Marine and Coastal Governance Conflicts at the Interface of Multiple Sectors and Jurisdictions
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-11 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.544440
Manuel Bellanger , Cameron Speir , Fabian Blanchard , Kate Brooks , James R. A. Butler , Scott Crosson , Robert Fonner , Sophie Gourguet , Daniel S. Holland , Sakari Kuikka , Bertrand Le Gallic , Rebecca Lent , Gary D. Libecap , Douglas W. Lipton , Prateep Kumar Nayak , David Reid , Pierre Scemama , Robert Stephenson , Olivier Thébaud , Juliette C. Young

Marine and coastal activities are closely interrelated, and conflicts among different sectors can undermine management and conservation objectives. Governance systems for fisheries, power generation, irrigation, aquaculture, marine biodiversity conservation, and other coastal and maritime activities are typically organized to manage conflicts within sectors, rather than across them. Based on the discussions around eight case studies presented at a workshop held in Brest in June 2019, this paper explores institutional approaches to move beyond managing conflicts within a sector. We primarily focus on cases where the groups and sectors involved are heterogeneous in terms of: the jurisdiction they fall under; their objectives; and the way they value ecosystem services. The paper first presents a synthesis of frameworks for understanding and managing cross-sectoral governance conflicts, drawing from social and natural sciences. We highlight commonalities but also conceptual differences across disciplines to address these issues. We then propose a novel analytical framework which we used to evaluate the eight case studies. Based on the main lessons learned from case studies, we then discuss the feasibility and key determinants of stakeholder collaboration as well as compensation and incentive schemes. The discussion concludes with future research needs to support policy development and inform integrated institutional regimes that consider the diversity of stakeholder interests and the potential benefits of cross-sectoral coordination.



海洋和沿海活动密切相关,不同部门之间的冲突会破坏管理和保护目标。渔业、发电、灌溉、水产养殖、海洋生物多样性保护以及其他沿海和海事活动的治理系统通常被组织起来管理部门内的冲突,而不是跨部门的冲突。基于 2019 年 6 月在布雷斯特举行的研讨会上提出的八个案例研究的讨论,本文探讨了超越管理部门内部冲突的制度方法。我们主要关注涉及的团体和部门在以下方面具有异质性的案例:它们所属的管辖范围;他们的目标;以及他们重视生态系统服务的方式。本文首先从社会科学和自然科学中提取了理解和管理跨部门治理冲突的综合框架。我们强调共性,但也强调跨学科的概念差异来解决这些问题。然后,我们提出了一个新颖的分析框架,用于评估八个案例研究。基于从案例研究中吸取的主要经验教训,我们然后讨论了利益相关者合作以及补偿和激励计划的可行性和关键决定因素。讨论以未来的研究需求结束,以支持政策制定并为考虑利益相关者利益的多样性和跨部门协调的潜在好处的综合制度制度提供信息。我们强调共性,但也强调跨学科的概念差异来解决这些问题。然后,我们提出了一个新颖的分析框架,用于评估八个案例研究。基于从案例研究中吸取的主要经验教训,我们然后讨论了利益相关者合作以及补偿和激励计划的可行性和关键决定因素。讨论以未来的研究需求结束,以支持政策制定并为考虑利益相关者利益的多样性和跨部门协调的潜在好处的综合制度制度提供信息。我们强调共性,但也强调跨学科的概念差异来解决这些问题。然后,我们提出了一个新颖的分析框架,用于评估八个案例研究。基于从案例研究中吸取的主要经验教训,我们然后讨论了利益相关者合作以及补偿和激励计划的可行性和关键决定因素。讨论以未来的研究需求结束,以支持政策制定并为考虑利益相关者利益的多样性和跨部门协调的潜在好处的综合制度制度提供信息。基于从案例研究中吸取的主要经验教训,我们然后讨论了利益相关者合作以及补偿和激励计划的可行性和关键决定因素。讨论以未来的研究需求结束,以支持政策制定并为考虑利益相关者利益的多样性和跨部门协调的潜在好处的综合制度制度提供信息。基于从案例研究中吸取的主要经验教训,我们然后讨论了利益相关者合作以及补偿和激励计划的可行性和关键决定因素。讨论以未来的研究需求结束,以支持政策制定并为考虑利益相关者利益的多样性和跨部门协调的潜在好处的综合制度制度提供信息。