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Assessing Multi-Temporal Snow-Volume Trends in High Mountain Asia From 1987 to 2016 Using High-Resolution Passive Microwave Data
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-18 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.559175
Taylor Smith , Bodo Bookhagen

High Mountain Asia (HMA) is dependent upon both the amount and timing of snow and glacier meltwater. Previous model studies and coarse resolution (0.25° × 0.25°, ∼25 km × 25 km) passive microwave assessments of trends in the volume and timing of snowfall, snowmelt, and glacier melt in HMA have identified key spatial and seasonal heterogeneities in the response of snow to changes in regional climate. Here we use recently developed, continuous, internally consistent, and high-resolution passive microwave data (3.125 km × 3.125 km, 1987–2016) from the special sensor microwave imager instrument family to refine and extend previous estimates of changes in the snow regime of HMA. We find an overall decline in snow volume across HMA; however, there exist spatially contiguous regions of increasing snow volume—particularly during the winter season in the Pamir, Karakoram, Hindu Kush, and Kunlun Shan. Detailed analysis of changes in snow-volume trends through time reveal a large step change from negative trends during the period 1987–1997, to much more positive trends across large regions of HMA during the periods 1997–2007 and 2007–2016. We also find that changes in high percentile monthly snow-water volume exhibit steeper trends than changes in low percentile snow-water volume, which suggests a reduction in the frequency of high snow-water volumes in much of HMA. Regions with positive snow-water storage trends generally correspond to regions of positive glacier mass balances.



亚洲高山(HMA)取决于雪和冰川融水的数量和时间。先前的模型研究和粗分辨率(0.25°×0.25°,〜25 km×25 km)对HMA中降雪,融雪和冰川融化的量和时间趋势的被动微波评估已经确定了响应中的关键空间和季节异质性积雪导致区域气候变化。在这里,我们使用来自特殊传感器微波成像仪系列的最新开发的,连续的,内部一致的高分辨率高分辨率无源微波数据(3.125 km×3.125 km,1987–2016)来细化和扩展先前对雪地雪情变化的估计。 HMA。我们发现整个HMA的积雪量总体下降;然而,存在着雪量不断增加的空间连续区域,尤其是在帕米尔,喀喇昆仑,兴都库什和昆仑山的冬季。对雪量趋势随时间变化的详细分析显示,从1987-1997年期间的负趋势到1997-2007年和2007-2016年期间HMA大区域的积极趋势,变化很大。我们还发现,高百分位数的每月雪水量的变化比低百分位数的雪水量的变化呈现出更陡峭的趋势,这表明在大多数HMA中,高雪水量的频率降低了。积雪趋势为正的区域通常对应于冰川质量平衡为正的区域。对雪量趋势随时间变化的详细分析显示,从1987-1997年期间的负趋势到1997-2007年和2007-2016年期间HMA大区域的积极趋势,变化很大。我们还发现,高百分位数的每月雪水量的变化比低百分位数的雪水量的变化呈现出更陡峭的趋势,这表明在大多数HMA中,高雪水量的频率降低了。积雪趋势为正的区域通常对应于冰川质量平衡为正的区域。对雪量趋势随时间变化的详细分析显示,从1987-1997年期间的负趋势到1997-2007年和2007-2016年期间HMA大区域的积极趋势,变化很大。我们还发现,高百分位数的每月雪水量的变化比低百分位数的雪水量的变化呈现出更陡峭的趋势,这表明在大多数HMA中,高雪水量的频率降低了。雪水蓄积趋势为正的区域通常对应于冰川质量平衡为正的区域。我们还发现,高百分位数的每月雪水量的变化比低百分位数的雪水量的变化呈现出更陡峭的趋势,这表明在HMA的大部分地区,高雪水量的频率降低了。积雪趋势为正的区域通常对应于冰川质量平衡为正的区域。我们还发现,高百分位数的每月雪水量的变化比低百分位数的雪水量的变化呈现出更陡峭的趋势,这表明在大多数HMA中,高雪水量的频率降低了。积雪趋势为正的区域通常对应于冰川质量平衡为正的区域。
